Watch For: flowers, roses, mysterious hands, ribbons, pearls, chains, cages,
feathers, wings, butterflies, skulls, crowns, crosses,
chessboards, curtains, stars, rabbits, mirrors, earrings, colors.
There are a lot of wings and
feathers in Pandora Hearts art, of many different
colors. In general they are symbolic of freedom, flight, and
travel, but each color has its own special flavor.
On Glen's manga cover, he has five feathers, standing for the
five feathered chains that he wields: Raven, Griffon, Dodo, Owl,
and Jabberwocky. These chains normally have black
feathers, and
it is said
that black-winged chains can create a path to the Abyss, linking
them to Abyss power. Yet the feathers here are tinged with the
rusty color of blood and the Baskervilles. They match the
reddish purple of Leo and the frontground feathers of his chain
in the
White doves are symbols of peace, but the dove feather
Leo was stepping on in chapter 63 seems to have spontaneously
turned from white to black. It correlates with Leo's change from
a diplomatic to a hostile mood.
Are we supposed to think that the feather on
the ground actually changed color, or did Leo move before that
and now there's Jabberwocky's instead of dove feathers on the
ground? Does it matter if the feather literally changed color so
long as the symbolism of the overall feather ambiance changing
color remains?
But what are white feathers? Leo was talking
about wanting to destroy the Will of the Abyss, and how the
Abyss used to be a beautiful Golden World before the Will of the
Abyss went haywire when he
stomped on
the feather. Are white feathers
representative of the harmony of the Abyss and Leo stomping on
one symbolic of the Will's destruction of it? Or is the white
symbolic of the Will herself, and Leo's action showing his
desire to destroy it?
Jack is also accompanied by white feathers.
Indeed, white feathers are objects specific
(though not exclusive) to the Vessalius dukedom, and were
to Oz by guests in acknowledgement of his coming of age.
And yet the actual crest of the Vessalius dukedom is two
golden wings (or possibly a golden-winged bird) around
a green gemstone:
Jack wears this crest even 100 years ago, before the Sablier
tragedy, so it predates the acquisition of the Griffon chain by
Golden wings also appear along the entire rim
of Oz's chair in the color
of volume 1, but the most interesting are the wings
at the head of the chair, framing a square into which four lines
This is very similar to the central square of the
Pandora Cross, with the four dukedoms' diamond gate
symbols linking in to access the central square representing the
The difference is that the four lines of the Pandora
Cross enter through the sides of the square, whereas
the lines on Oz's chair enter diagonally through the square's
Could this square inside golden wings be
analogous to the wing-hugged green gem in the Vessalius crest?
The full crest actually has a crown inside the
wings, and is sometimes embellished with
triumphant laurels, roses, and even
pearls ending in teardrops. Why would a "third rate
noble house" have a crown?
Yellow and green are colors associated with Vessalius - in their
hair, eyes, roses, clothing - but gold is the color of the
harmonious Abyss. |
In the
context of the Abyss, golden wings can
represent the angelic wings of light that
transport the disembodied soul through the Golden World. It
might even be connected to the
angels that Oz, Alice, and Gil saw in a memory from 100
years ago.
But what's green? If I were to wildly speculate, I'd say that
green is a color of water, along with blue, and the Abyss itself
is a very watery place. The Japanese word "aoi" could mean
either "blue" or "green." Jack's green coat is often drawn with
(and even golden yellow), looking overall turquoise. Jack
himself has been
compared to water.
If the green gem then represents the Abyss, and the
golden wings wrap around it, it could indicate that the
Vessalius are particularly skilled at navigating the Abyss, like
the angelic wings of the disembodied soul. The
difference in where the gate lines enter the Abyss square on
Oz's chair versus the Pandora Cross could
indicate that Vessalius found other paths, or side doors, into
the Abyss.
However, this ventures into shinigami (death god) territory, and
that is expressly given to the Baskervilles (the "Crimson
Shinigami"). And besides, we have no knowledge of the Vessalius
dukedom having anything to do with the Abyss prior to the
Sablier tragedy, since Glen kept all the Abyss gates to himself.
The picture on the left nicely illustrates the white/black
feather contrast between Vessalius and
Baskerville. Oz's feather boa features the blue, green, and
yellow associated with Jack, and part of Gil's feather boa is
also turning blue.
Blue feathers
abound in Pandora Hearts art. Blue-feathered wings
have appeared in
Gil's hats,
and on the left can be seen worn by Echo who, despite being a
Baskerville, has white feathers around her,
We get the fullest explanation of blue feathers
St. Belligeron's Day: "This festival originated from the
legend of the blue-winged angel, Belligeron, who fell in love
with a human. In order to let her travel to earth safely,
everyone wore clothes with blue feathers on them to help cover
the true identity of the angel." Kinda odd to go out of the way
to mention that.
It's a day
when "you can hide your identity under gorgeous clothes, and
spend the day as someone else," and feathers
have been linked to
On St. Belligeron's Day, it is customary to give a blue
feather to
someone important to you. As such, blue feathers
appear to be linked to love, devotion, and paranormal
relationships, as well as secrecy and disguise.
Echo's blue-winged outfit in particular likely symbolizes the
relief she felt from setting aside her day-to-day identity and
being renewed in the guise of someone else. This sense of
freedom is emphasized by the presence of an
empty bird
cage. |
Gil loves his blue feathers. :3 |
DISCLAIMER: Pandora Hearts
and all the characters, story, and art therein is copyright Jun
Mochizuki. No copyright infringement is intended, and I hope
that this essay inspires more people to read/watch Pandora
Hearts! Translations are by
Yen Press
Syndicate. Visit the
page to see who else helped! |