
Yumeni... shapeshifter, storyweaver, moon angel, intergallactic ambassador. The name can be loosely translated as 'dreamer' or 'dreamwalker' because, as a being from the Void, a primal reality beyond the countless Manifest universes, our reality is nothing more (and nothing less) than a vivid dream.

Beautiful, powerful, and proud, her 3-part motto is:
(1) if you want to get the job done right, do it yourself
(2) if one of you isn't enough, make more of you
(3) if one lifetime isn't enough, reincarnate.

...don't make her angry, you wouldn't like her when she's angry...

I wanted to do a character sketch to see how her fishnet outfit would look. She was supposed to look threatening... it didn't really work out. :P She's wearing the most lethal moon angel designs: the sea of panthers pattern on her dress, the Chaos Flower buttons and hairpins. So now it's kinda like the 'all dressed up and nowhere to go' effect. Drawn in marker and pencil, background is compilation of starfield photos... Why do my black markers run out so fast? I just don't understand it... ;_;

Facebook's Yumeni Eilmitore was derived from this original Yumeni. To fit with the Star Wars universe, Yumeni Eilmitore is not a moon angel but a Sith. She was initially apprenticed to Thanatos Aries, but soon worked her way to becoming Empress of the Eternal Galactic Empire.


Copyright � 2003 by Yumeni www.twilightvisions.com. All rights reserved.
Revised: 12 May 2010 07:46:42 -0400 .


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