Full Moon
Non-italicized text represents spoken words, italicized text represents actions to be taken. Non-italicized text represents spoken words, italicized text represents actions to be taken.
Cast a circle by mentally projecting protective energy outward through either an Athame (ritual dagger), a Wand, or simply your hand as you trace three circles around your working area, saying:

Triple Goddess Chant:
Maiden, cast Your circle white
Weave a web of glowing light
Stag and bear, hawk and wolf,
Bind us to thee.

Mother, cast Your circle red
Weave the strands of glowing threads
Earth and Air, Fire, Water,
Bind us to thee.

Old Crone, cast Your circle black
Weave the wisdom that we lack
Sunlight, moonlight, starlight's shimmer
Bind us to thee.4

Although it is called a circle, it is actually a sphere, so make sure you spend enough time visualizing and feeling a safe, protective sphere around your working area inside of which no harm or ill will has power

Invocation to the Elements & the Seven Directions:
Turn to the North:

I welcome the powers of the NORTH, rulers of Earth, Body, and Winter: Help me in matters of patience, groundedness, and stability. Help me use my power wisely.

Light candle representing the North and feel the presence of the Earth Elemental. Turn to the East:

I welcome the powers of the EAST, rulers of Air, Mind, and Spring: Help me in matters of wisdom, insight, and clear thought. Help me use my power wisely.

Light candle representing the East and feel the presence of the Air Elemental. Turn to the South:

I welcome the powers of the SOUTH, rulers of Fire, Spirit, and Summer: Help me in matters of strength, confidence, and focused will. Help me use my power wisely.

Light candle representing the South and feel the presence of the Fire Elemental. Turn to the West:

I welcome the powers of the WEST, rulers of Water, Emotion, and Autumn: Help me in matters of healing, joy, and intuition. Help me use my power wisely.

Light candle representing the West and feel the presence of the Water Elemental. Hold hands up to the sky:

I welcome the powers of the SKY FATHER, rulers of the heavens and all that is in them: Help me in matters of cosmic awareness, unconditional love, and unlimited consciousness. Help me use my power wisely.

Light candle representing the God and breathe in His presence. Kneel down and touch the ground:

I welcome the powers of the EARTH MOTHER, rulers of the Earth and all that is in it: Help me in matters of abundance, harmony, and balance. Help me use my power wisely.

Light candle representing the Goddess and breathe in Her presence

I stand at the CENTER, where all powers intersect. I take my place in the circle of life, and remember to use my power for the good of all. All is one and one is all.

Light candle representing the Center and feel the interconnectedness of all things

Fourfold Purification:

Light smudge stick with the Northern candle. Waft the smoke over yourself and say:

I purify my BODY of all sickness, disease, illness, and toxins. May it be healthy and strong, healed and whole - a proper temple for the expression of my spirit!

Light smudge stick with the Eastern candle. Waft the smoke over yourself and say:

I purify my MIND of all stray thoughts, so that it may be as crisp and clear as a mountain zephyr. May it be receptive to divine guidance, and learn to discern truth from lie. May it be insightful, inspired, and motivated!

Light smudge stick with the Southern candle. Waft the smoke over yourself and say:

I purify my WILL. May it remain strong and steadfast when it has set upon the path of the greater good. May it never waver, but give me the courage to fulfill my destiny to the best of my capabilities and the fullest of my potential!

Light smudge stick with the Western candle. Waft the smoke over yourself and say:

I purify my EMOTIONS. May they flow as as freely as a rushing woodland stream. May they never stagnate, but express themselves in constructive ways. Help me in matters of joy and intuition.

Light smudge stick with the Center candle. Waft the smoke as you walk clockwise around the ritual area and say:

I purify this SACRED SPACE, may no ill will enter here! Protected from the West, protected from the North, protected from the East, protected
from the South, protected from Above, protected from Below, and sealed at the Center! Only those of good will may enter here!

Invite any other entities you want to join you (guardian angels, guides, faeries, etc)

We are gathered here to celebrate the fullness of life! All things bloom and flourish under the bright moon's soft light.

Charge of the Goddess:
Listen to the words of the Great Goddess, who in ancient times was named Isis, Hathor, Nut, Gaia, Diana, Demeter, Aphrodite, Selene, Inanna, Ishtar, Astarte, Makosh, Slava, Danu, Freyja, Frigga, Mawu, Kuan Yin, and countless other names.

Whenever you have need of My aid, assemble in a secret place at least once a month, especially at the Full Moon. Know that My laws and love shall make you free, for no man can prevent your worship of Me in your mind and heart. Listen well when you come into My presence, and I shall teach you of deep mysteries, ancient and powerful. I require no sacrifices or pain of your bodies, for I am Mother of all things, the Creatress who made you out of My love, and the One who endures through all time.

I am the One who is the beauty of the Earth, the green of growing things. I am the white Moon whose light is full among the stars, soft upon the Earth. From Me all things are born, to Me all things, in their season, return. Let My joyous worship be in your hearts, for all acts of love and pleasure are My rituals. You see Me in the love of man and woman, the love of parent and child, the love of humans to all My creations. When you create with your hands, I am there. I blow the breath of life into the seeds you plant, whether of plant or child. Always I stand beside you, whispering soft words of wisdom and guidance.

All seekers of the Mysteries must come to Me, for I am the True Source, the Keeper of the Cauldron. All your seeking and yearning will avail you nothing unless you know the Mystery: for if what you seek you find not within, you will never find it without. For behold, I have been with you from the beginning, and I will gather you to My breast at the end of your earthly existence.5

Hold up the cup of moon water with your left hand and say:

Drawing Down the Moon:
Blessed Mother,
Help me honor you in life by expressing your qualities.
Help me in matters of love, caring, nurturing, compassion, empathy, sympathy, creativity, inspiration, motivation, self-expression, self-actualization, gentleness, intensity, fertility, sensuality, sexuality, patience, help me welcome abundance into my life by dwelling in harmony with all things, help me tap into the boundless fountain of vitality that flows from the center of all and use that energy to create needed changes in my life, etc...
Any blessings you wish to bestow upon me and that I am ready to receive, pour into this cup, so that when I drink of it I may drink of your essence! 

See/feel the blessings of the Mother pour into your cup. I tend to see it as flowing from the round opening of a tipped cauldron. Drink the moon water as you would nourishment from the breasts of the Great Goddess and feel the silver light spreading through you

Take up the empty cup with your left hand and the Athame (ritual dagger) or Wand with your right hand

The Great Marriage:
We stand in the fullness of life! Blessed Lord and Lady, all the universe springs from your union. Great God and Goddess, you provide for all your children with the cornucopia of nature's bounty. May the fertility of our body and spirit be renewed once more!

Lower the Athame or Wand into the cup, symbolically recreating the sexual union of the God and Goddess to ensure continuing fertility and abundance on all levels of existence

Spend some time with the Mother, whether meditating, praying/talking, doing divination, or spellwork. As a general rule, divination associated with the Mother is that about the present and magick associated with her is that of fullness and fruition, the wild and powerful energy abounding at this time giving extra oomph to any spell. Any additional rituals can also be done now

If you have a wish to make, trade it for a good deed you did today

Thank all who you have invited for coming by saying something to the effect of:

Thank you for coming blessed _____ (North/South/East/West/God/Goddess/etc)! Come and go in peace!

All energy not used to further this ritual, I ground to heal the Earth and all who dwell upon it!

Releasing the Circle:
Visualize the circle you formed dissipating and say:

The Circle is open but never broken! Merry meet, merry part, and merry meet again.

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NOTES: The Full Moon ritual was the first ritual I ever did. I started doing it on my own, before I knew there were such things as Shamanism, Paganism, Wicca, or any spiritual paths that still did them. I dressed up in old rags painted with my own symbols, drew designs on my face with lipstick, put feathers in my hair, and danced outside around candles, casting huge shadows on the walls of my house - much to the fright of my neighbors, I'm sure. I danced until I was out of breath and could dance no more, and then sat down to meditate as the thick energy I conjured up crackled around me.

I did this to honor the moon, who I saw as the most important symbol of a guardian entity named Jida. Eventually I happened upon books of other people who also honor the moon, found things there that I resonated with, and layered this new knowledge on top of my existing ritual. Very little of my original ritual remains in the script you see here. I still practice it, but omitted it because it has to do with my cosmology and most people would simply not be able to relate to it. In my versions, things like the circle casting, the wish-making, and especially the add-on rituals stay true to and expand on my original understanding of the full moon ceremony.

LORE: Although there is little consensus on whether the full moon is lucky or unlucky, there is no doubt that it has captured the awe and imagination of every culture graced by her presence. Tales of faeries, werewolves, heightened birthrates, heightened crime rates, and chaotic mood swings abound during this magickal time. The tides come in, the veils between the worlds thin, and nature flowers in all her glory. This is the phase of the Mother aspect of the Goddess, who birthed all the universe into being. Energy is ripe and overflowing at the peak of its power.

Because energy is so abundant during the full moon, extra rituals are often attached to the core ceremony. These include things like consecrating ritual tools, empowering amulets, contacting various entities, shapeshifting, culminating previous spellwork, anything that can benefit from the added boost of energy and empowerment. The Great Cosmic Mother is the primal Creatress within her womb grows all potential and possibilities; reality is very malleable under her influence.

The "Charge of the Goddess" I feature in the script is one of many, many adaptations of this famous Wiccan text. Although I use it as a kind of invocation for the Mother, it is typically spoken by a ceremonially prepared High Priestess after a mini-ritual designed to draw down the moon - the Goddess - into her. She speaks/channels in first person, with the authority of the Goddess herself. The "Great Marriage" is an act of sympathetic magick designed to symbolically recreate and thereby invoke the sexual union of the God and Goddess which ensures the continuation of fertility, and therefore of life. This is a fertility on all levels: body and spirit, mind and emotion, inner and outer worlds.

The second full moon of a month is called the Blue Moon and is considered particularly auspicious. This is a relatively new phenomenon since the majority of the world's first calendars were based on lunar cycles and therefore had strictly one full moon per each of the thirteen months of the lunar year.

1 silver candle (to represent the Goddess)
1 gold candle (to represent the God)
1 green candle (to represent the North and the element of Earth)
1 yellow candle (to represent the East and the element of Air)
1 red candle (to represent the South and the element of Fire)
1 blue candle (to represent the West and the element of Water)
1 black candle (to represent the Crone aspect of the Goddess)
1 white candle (to represent the Maiden aspect of the Goddess)
1 cup of water, soy/rice/nut milk, or cow's milk ("moon water") per person
1 smudge stick incense (sage and/or cedar and/or sweetgrass)
1 Athame (ritual dagger) or 1 Wand