In the movie The Fountain, it is said that "death is the road to awe." I couldn't agree more. I glorify Capa's encounter with the Sun because it liberated him from his own fears and doubts, and allowed him to transcend death itself. It made him whole and set him free. Some people spend their entire lives wishing they could live forever, believing they could reach their full potential within the confines of a single body. They never stop to consider that death is true immortality. It is the promise of eternal return and rebirth into infinity.

For those among us lucky enough to choose how we die, death can be the most powerful expression of how we chose to live. By serving as an example of our convictions, we leave behind a lasting legacy. True, this can take the form of suicide bombing, but it can also be self-sacrifice to protect your family, loved ones, complete strangers, or even ideas. Death puts life into perspective, and makes us understand what it means to be alive.

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