I've watched the Sun set from the tallest mountain in the world (Mauna Kea, measured from the base) at well over 13,000 feet. It was above cloud level and the air was very thin. And let me tell you... you think the Sun is bright normally??... you know NOTHING!! The sunlight up there is surreal. Accidentally glancing the Sun for a fraction of a second will make you recoil as if lasers have seared into your retinas and shot out the back of your head. >.< Mercury is the closest planet to the sun. If you somehow managed to land on it, your entire sky would be ON FIRE!! XD And nevermind that we can see the Sun, we can also FEEL its HEAT... from 92.9 million miles away.

How mighty are stars! Go outside at night and you will see hundreds of stars trillions of times farther still visible to the naked eye. They are living gods, sustainers of life, and yet they too are born... and will one day die. Some go out in a spectacular supernova, the force of which not only obliterates the immediate planetary system, but strips the atmosphere off planets in surrounding neighborhoods. Some implode into black holes, a distortion in spacetime so absolute not even light can escape. Still others gradually fade away...

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