Watch For: flowers, roses, mysterious hands, ribbons, pearls, chains, cages, feathers,
wings, butterflies, skulls, crowns, crosses, chessboards, curtains,
stars, rabbits, mirrors, earrings, colors.
. |
You can find crosses all over Pandora
Hearts art. The most obvious one is the cross
marking Lacie's grave.
This likely evokes all the feelings that modern visitors to
cemeteries have when they come to spend time with departed loved
ones. However, in Victorian times,
different kinds of crosses had their own meanings in a
funerary setting.
Lacie's Cross looks like a hybrid of an Ionic
Cross standing on a Calvary Cross pedestal. The Ionic Cross
means everlasting salvation, love, and glory, with the circle
representing eternity. The three steps of the Calvary Cross base
represent faith, hope, and love or charity. |
Taken together this is powerful imagery of what Lacie must have
meant to Jack and Glen, and perhaps who she is as a being.
Glen's cover featured him beside Lacie's Cross,
holding the Lacie music watch.
There are also two elements of the "trinity" concept present in
Lacie's Cross: the triune pedestal and the tri-flared
ends of its arms. Needless to say the trinity of "Alice, Celia,
Lacie" comes to mind, as well as "Alice, Alyss, Lacie."
The circle in Pandora Hearts also has potential additional
meanings. The Contractor symbol is a circle, and its progression
is modeled after the arm of a circular clock (such as the
prophecised one that stopped). By extension, these mean passage
of time and completion of a cycle, or even prophetic events and
a connection to the Abyss itself (where you go once the contract
symbol goes full circle). |
The arm ends of Lacie's Cross look a little
like very toned down
Fleur-de-lis symbols, or "lily flower" in French. These are
strongly linked to royalty, and also to the purity and chastity
of the Virgin Mary. The "virgin" who gave birth to a holy
god-child... which in this case could be Alice... maybe...
not...? Huge stretch I know, but given the prevalence of
Christian symbols like crosses, and the twisted
references to God in the Pandora Hearts pilot, other iconography
might also be intentional.
The Fleur-de-lis are more pronounced in the Lacie music watch.
It might be relevant that the watch is on a chain. It is also
made of gold, an Abyss property. Here the central Lacie
Cross stands on a horizontal crescent moon. If the
Fleur-de-lis link to the Virgin Mary can be made, then this
alludes to religious imagery of her as Queen of Heaven (or, in
this case, Queen of the Abyss),
standing on a
crescent moon.
The watch also has several other interesting symbols,
particularly related to twins. Aside from the large
cross in the middle, there are two little pointed
crosses, which might indicate twin graves.
There are two crescent moons, one waxing and one waning - a very
intriguing reference to increasing light (white) and decreasing
light (black), a light/dark duality which could be indicating
the Alice twins. There are two sickle or scythe-like designs
poised over the little crosses. Both sickles
and scythes are
symbols of the harvest, and in particular of "death" as the
last harvest. B-Rabbit's weapon is a scythe.
Or is the design on the Lacie music watch more similar to the
one on Glen's furniture? |
It has a cross with flared, pointy vertical
arms, and wavy horizontal arms that curl down like the sickle
designs on the watch. This cross also has
little diamonds on either side, in the same place that the twin
crosses are on the watch. The cross likewise
appears to be standing on a crescent moon, but now it has
white wings. The cross itself
resembles an exaggerated Fleur-de-lis, and a flower carving,
possibly a lily, sits atop the central leg of the couch. Also
notice the pearls.
Alice has a
downward Fleur-de-lis at the waist of her dress, as well as
a trinity of diamond shapes (counting the pointy end of the
Three arms of the Lacie Cross end in diamond
shapes similar to those on the Pandora Cross:
. |
This looks like a flared out Greek Cross with rounded ends. The
distinctive characteristic of the Greek Cross are its
equal-length arms, and since it's one of the earliest Christian
symbols, it also draws on pre-Christian polytheistic symbolism
of planet Earth with its four cardinal directions, and the four
elements of earth, air, fire, and water, with ether, the fifth
element, at the center. These elements correspond to the body,
mind, will, emotion, and spirit respectively.
It's easy to guess what the designs on the Pandora Cross
stand for: the diamonds on the arms are the four Abyss gates
claimed by four dukedoms who formed Pandora, making available to
them four of Glen's Chains:
Owl, Dodo, Griffon, and Raven. The square at the center
represents both the Abyss itself, which the four gates link into
for access, as well as the fifth gate, still owned by the Baskervilles and
giving access to Jabberwocky. I'm not sure if it would be make
sense to try aligning these with the four elements and their
correspondences (Dodo=Barma=Mind=Air?? D:), but I do think it
makes sense to say that the central square corresponds to the
spiritual element of ether.
The Abyss seems to play the role of an afterlife in Pandora
Hearts, so it being linked with funerary symbols like
crosses isn't that unusual. All the dead people hang
out in the Abyss (Alice, Alyss, Cheshire, Jack, Glen, and now
Lacie), and the Abyss "grants
will to those without life." Disembodied souls
through the Golden World of the Abyss for 100 years before
reincarnating. Jack repeats this idea to Isla Yura before
killing him: "may
your soul be banished from this world for 100 years." And
here again we see a cross, but this time in the
guise of a sword:
. |
It looks like a Botonee Cross, with its three-pronged arm ends
symbolic of the Trinity.
The sword shows the more violent aspect of the Cross-as-Death
A pointed sword-cross is the crest of the Nightray dukedom, and
is worn by both Gilbert and Vincent. |
Gil doesn't wear his very often, but he does wear a
cross once outside of the Nightray context: in the
picture of him
in mourning and cradling a skull. That's
probably for the death of his Master, though. Vincent wears his
Nightray cross all the time.
Elliot, of course, also wore the cross emblem.
It features boldly behind him on the cover of Volume 14, along
with tattered black ribbons wrapped around
chains, and he wore it all through the
Yura's Mansion arc. All the Nightrays wear it, and we all know
what happened to the Nightray bloodline...
. |
It's almost as if running around flaunting a funerary ornament
marks you for death... which doesn't bode well for Gilbert, or
especially Vincent... and everybody in Pandora, for
that matter.
But I wouldn't panic just yet. Break, who is virtually
guaranteed to die by the end of the story, doesn't wear
crosses. Not even his cane-sword resembles a
cross. The only time I can recall him having one is
when he
his Pandora Cross to Oz.
Leo, however, has a cross on top of the
crown he wears as King of the Baskervilles. |
Alice, and various stuffed rabbits, are seen
with crosses quite often.
That's a sword-cross in her garter, similar to both the Nightray
crest and the twin pointed crosses on the Lacie
watch. Behind her are three windows, each with three sections
and three encircled crosses, invoking a
powerful image of triple Trinity. Windows with a similar
encircled cross, plus three tri-pronged shapes dividing the
glass into thirds can be found in Alice's
Using Black Rabbit power, Alice
has red eyes instead of violet.
She's holding a black rabbit Oz doll while
asserting dominance by standing with her right leg on top of a
white rabbit, who she has collared on a
chain. The theme of black and white rabbits
is echoed in the black and white chessboard on
the floor, symbolizing dark Alice's duality with her light twin.
This looks like a church setting, and indeed the white
rabbit on the floor is holding a golden cross.
This is a man with a rabbit mask on.
Father Harris Watson from the Pandora Hearts pilot, whose
robes and cross match the ones here. He was taken over by a
servant of the
Will, and was defeated by the power of Black Rabbit.
The pink rabbit next to Alice in the picture
below is also holding a cross, and there is a
cross next to the mirror in Alice's room. Of
course, human Alice died in that room during the Sablier
tragedy, so it being there and her being linked to funerary
symbols in general isn't that unusual.
It is, however,
interesting that the cross is on what looks
like a coffin, and that there seems to be another coffin - and
possibly more - stashed behind the mirror. Why would Alice be
hoarding coffins? Are they for her and her twin? For Jack and
Glen? Or something else? The
picture of
Alice with skulls at her feet comes to mind yet
Notice also how the mirror here is cracked. It
might not be a direct reflection of the dark Alice on the bed,
but instead show of a severance of connection with the
mirror world of the Abyss where Alyss is, trapping her on the
other side as dark Alice dominates. Mirrors in Pandora Hearts
interactive, after all, and have been used as portals
for entities to come through. |
Pandora Hearts and all the characters, story, and art therein is
copyright Jun Mochizuki. No copyright infringement is intended,
and I hope that this essay inspires more people to read/watch
Pandora Hearts! Translations are by
Yen Press
Syndicate. Visit the
page to see who else helped! |