& Cinematics
If you came here looking for game cinematics, gameplay
videos, or trailers, I sadly inform you that my server
can't handle such a drain on bandwidth. However, you
can find tons of them on these wonderful sites:
Lair (all the
cinematics, great gameplay, and a
few music
videos, and much more)
Chapel (a few cinematics and some rare game
The Hand Vs Eye (some of the most advanced
gameplay on the net)
This 12-episode
anime was produced by Mad House, who had a hand in
shows like Death Note, Hellsing, Chobits, etc. So what
went so @#%& WRONG?! Come on, people, you have 3
games, 2 books, and 2 manga volumes worth of
background to draw on and you give us Dante playing...
death poker?? Are you @#%& kidding me?? The
series has one story per episode for the first 10
episodes, and only develops a coherent plot in 11 and
12. The stories are boring, the action is practically nonexistent,
and Dante is more of a cameo than the main character. |
Who the hell
is the target audience here?? DMC demons do not haunt
the world like ghosts and manipulate people from the
sidelines. They drop down from portals and immediately
get in your face with claws and lasers! But there's
barely 10 seconds of action per episode, and crappy
action at that. Most of it involved Dante shooting
something in the head. If anything interesting does
happen, it happens offscreen and is never explained.
How do you get that from a gaming franchise built on
outlandishly stylish fighting?? By the way, Dante
hardly talks and has no attitude. Yeah, out of DMC1
and DMC3 they picked DMC2 zombie-Dante. And whose idea
was it to make Dante babysit an annoying little girl??
Anyway, here's
a link to the Image
Gallery at Devil's Lair. ^_^;;
Capcom movie:
Although there is talk of a full length official Devil May Cry
movie, nothing, not even if it is live
action or computer generated, is known. I hope it's
computer generated, FFVII: Advent Children-style,
because frankly I don't think there is anyone out
there that can play Dante. But, if I were to choose,
my first pick would be a very made over Ryan
Reynolds or Reuben
For now, I guess
we shall have to settle for clicking "Play
All" on Demo Digest.
Remembered": There is a fan movie being
made in the USA. The
director is R.L. Scott and you can learn more about
him and the movie at his MySpace
page and in this
interview. It is, in his own words: "a
promotional film that will be screened by Capcom execs
at this year's Dragoncon in Atlanta. I was given the
daunting task of creating a live action rendition of
the film which will be used to promote a full length
feature script called 'Devil Hunter.' It is
in the same genre as DMC although it is very different
in terms of the story. I decided that it would be the
best way to get their attention."
"The Tears
of Sparda": Another fan movie is being made in the
UK. It is set after Devil May Cry 1, and the cast
includes Dante, Vergil, Trish, and Lady.
The crew seems to all be on Deviant Art, so I'll link
their pages: Dante,
the Writer,
and the Villain.
You can also visit their Official
Site, Official
Production Blog, or watch a video
interview with the Director about the film. If you ask me, this looks more promising than
"Sins Remembered." And by that I mean the
guys are way hotter.
...Sound DVD
What has been released, are something called a
"Sound DVD Book" for each game. Don't try to
make sense of the term "Sound DVD Book."
Think of it in terms of a video soundtrack featuring
gameplay and accompanied by a short but colorful book.
If anything, perhaps it was meant to be called
"Sound, DVD, Book"... cause that's what you