Ai grew up in the rundown town called Hole,
where sorcerers came to hone their magical powers by
experimenting on humans. |
Though Hole was basically an
anarchistic society, a vigilante militia sprung up to
fight the sorcerers, leaving their bodies to rot or burn
in the streets. Haze (Dr. Kasukabe) scavenged such
bodies and brought them to his lab. Studying sorcerers
and their anatomy was a passion of his. His wife was a
sorcerer, and he even wrote a book on the subject.
Ai read this book and sought out Haze to learn more
about sorcerers. He examined their bodies and got
familiar with the devil tumors that held the key to
their magic. His greatest desire was to become a
sorcerer himself.
Haze told him this was impossible, and Ai acknowledged
his opinion, but he didn't give up, and privately kept
researching the idea. His work appears to have even
attracted the
attention of Devils. And, finally, his determination
paid off. A way was possible, incredibly convoluted
though it was. |
It called for the synergistic effect
created by a special combination of materials, and one
day Ai got his chance.
A sorcerer was drowning in one of Hole's many toxic
lakes. It was full of chemical waste, sewage, sorcerer
corpses, and rain water filled with magic smoke
This thick, bubbling sludge was the secret ingredient to
make Ai's method work. |
This toxic sludge was extremely
dangerous. When Haze saw how far the sorcerer was from
the shore, he resigned to let him go.
But Ai
fixated on the sludge. Though he knew it would
mean death for his human body, the method he devised
could be able to reconstruct him as a sorcerer, and he
was willing to risk his life for that.
To Haze's horror, Ai dove into the sludge.
It peeled his skin and ate through his organs, but he
managed to pull out the drowning sorcerer.
Haze brought both of them to his hospital.
When he asked Ai why he would do such a thing, he was
shocked to learn that Ai had
planned it all out. Indeed,
Ai directed Haze to his
personal notes detailing the surgery he wanted him
to perform using the sorcerer's fresh body parts.
Haze didn't think it would work, but he did it anyway as
a favor to (what he thought was) his dying friend. |
And Ai survived. He wasn't entirely the same
person, and of rather
sanity, but he survived. The question is: how? |

. |
Haze was right. It is
impossible for a human to become a sorcerer. And, if the
workers at the CrossEyes lab are any indication, it's
also impossible for sorcerers to become like Ai, no
matter how closely they follow his instructions. Ai became something like a magic user after the surgery,
but only because he was no longer an ordinary human
after jumping into the toxic sludge. He mutated into
something else, and this allowed his body to be
receptive to the surgery.
Hole's rain carries very special properties. The smoke
particles from sorcerers experimenting in Hole drift up
accumulate in rain clouds. As such, the droplets are
filled with pure magic, which has some bizarre effects
on the world. When the rain falls, the water drains into
the sewers, mixing with chemicals and corpses, a mixture
quite similar to the sludge that Ai dove into. So,
really, Ai isn't much different from Johnson, the giant
cockroach whose mutation Caiman attributed to
water pollution.
Ai was found dead in a gutter the day after leaving the
hospital, rain water pouring into his face and upper
torso. It was so
corrosive it melted his face and seeped into his
body. But Ai didn't stay that way. This is another
effect of Hole's rain: it could
raise the dead. So Ai is not just a mutant with body
alterations. He's a mutant zombie. |
It was believed he was killed by
sorcerers, and the official cause of death was listed as
suffocation." But,
technically, he suffocated when redundancies in
bones and tissues put pressure on his trachea. The
autopsy uncovered that he had body alterations, and
assumed the redundancies were the result of some
substance-increasing magic. But were they really? Ai had
body alterations of his own, and perhaps already made
redundant parts, such as his multiple heads. Was he
trying to switch heads and suffocated from the pressure
of one trying to come out of his neck?
This most likely happened before Ai acquired the special
dimension he has inside himself to compactly store large
stuff. High concentrations of smoke particles can
warp space and make you see illusions. They turned
Haze's laboratory into an endless maze filled with
apparitions. The rain water that inundated Ai's face and
seeped into his torso created a spatial distortion
in the upper half of his body. It was
inhabited by Ai, who was later joined by Curse. Anyone whose head was
bitten by Caiman also
entered it, even while their full body remained in
the outside world. |

. |
The dimension also had
other apparent residents, all of them headless at
the neck (as opposed to torso like Ai was). It's unclear
who they are.
It's possible that they're Kai's beheaded victims whose
souls are trapped in the dimension because Kai had their
devil tumors in his head. However, the old Kai's head -
the one which presumably had all the devils - got torn
off by Curse. It's possible that Kai switched to an
empty head just in case, but the reborn Kai didn't
appear to have any extra magical abilities. He kept
using the mushroom magic he stole from En after coming
back, which points to him having lost his old powers, so
there'd be no devils to bind those souls to him at the
time we see that scene.
I've also thought that maybe they're magic users whose
parts Ai used to modify his body. But I tried to match
the clothes of the sorcerer drowning in the sludge lake
to any of the people in the dimension to no avail. It's
most likely they are illusions.
Ai's dimensional distortion is split into two parts: the
"head" dimension and the "headless" dimension, with a
floor and ceiling of sludge, respectively. Both halves
serve as storage for Ai's bodies.
head dimension is a tiled room which looks like
Kai's old apartment. Only Ai's own bodies inhabit this
place. They appear from mid-torso up, and their bottom
halves are filled with a bubbly liquid - maybe sludge.
There are tubes hooked into the liquid that connect to
the sludge on the floor. This could be a way for Ai to
transfer things, such as body parts, between the head
and headless dimensions. When Ai is switching heads,
this room completely fills up with sludge. This is
reflected in Ai erupting in a
sludge geyser outwardly, too. It's probably why
there is sludge bubbling
inside his neck and why his heads are
covered in sludge when they emerge.
The headless dimension has rooms and tunnels whose walls
look like they're made of organic material. It
also houses Ai's bodies, but they're kept in
sludge-filled crates. In fact, maybe sludge as a barrier between the head and headless
dimensions isn't accurate. Maybe it is the sludge in
these crates that creates the head dimension. The headless dimension links directly
with Ai's outward body, and traveling through it's
tunnels leads up his throat and into his mouth. So
perhaps the ceiling sludge marks a point in the outward
body's neck, and the tubes from the head dimension
connect to it, acting like a sludge faucet through
which the heads emerge. |


. |
Just as Ai's heads exit into the
outer world from the head dimension, his aspects enter
the dimensional distortion from the sludge inside the
crates. But they enter it whole, not headless. Likewise,
when Ai comes to the head dimension, he doesn't gain a
head. His melted head is there already, standing as one
of the bodies.
Perhaps, then, these aren't "head" and "headless"
dimensions at all. The headless people are apparitions
of sorcerers Kai killed that still psychologically haunt
him, and Ai is missing the top half of his torso because
that part - permeated by rain water - is being used to
create the entire distortion. It's not gone. It's
Ai took steps to ensure that he'd survive long enough to
accomplish his ultimate goal. He basically has 9 lives.
The 9 crates contain not only his 9 heads, but 9 whole
After the original Kai was decapitated by Curse, that
body was missing a head (far
left). The fact that he kept the headless body
anyway indicates that he could still use it for spare
parts when the outer body gets injured. This is in
contrast with Caiman's confrontation with En. En
destroyed Caiman's whole body with mushrooms from
inside out. That body died. Even
Curse thought so and left.
Kawajiri commented how it was cold and not
breathing. There were no parts left to use, and this was
reflected in the distortion with the
breaking of Caiman's crate, leaving nothing but
sludge and bones.
Though Ai's use of his spare parts can account for his
outer body's remarkable healing abilities, once a part
is gone, he can't regenerate it. The heads torn off by
Curse and Shin are just
of vertebrae now, and the head that was cut in half
remains so. What's interesting is that these losses are
also reflected as diminishment in the mass of Ai's outer
body. In this
height chart, Caiman has a halo (because he's dead),
but the new Aikawa is shown separately and shorter than
him! |

. |
Ai's inner distortion is
big enough to contain his own version of Hole. It's a
city-scape of perpetual rain, and this is reflected in
Ai's one innate power: rain aura. He can turn it on and
off at will.
Hole's rain is the bane of all sorcerers. It fills them
with pain and makes them sick. Ai doesn't hesitate to
use it against them to gain an upper hand, allowing him
to make short work of even someone as powerful as En. |

. |
Of course, Ai wanted more and more
power. He wanted to become the ultimate magic user - and
As Kai, he hunted down sorcerers with powers he desired.
He lopped off their heads, cut out their devil tumors,
and surgically transplanted them into his own brain. He
was skilled enough to perform these operations on
himself, and had amassed
a number of devils - along with the magic they
His greatest nemesis was En. Just as the original Kai
was about to take En's head, he started experiencing
technical difficulties and began the process of
switching heads. This shut off his rain aura and allowed
En to unleash enough of his smoke to turn an entire town
into mushrooms. Yet Kai wobbled off unaffected and
escaped through a magic door.
This could be explained by the fact that, when Ai
switches heads, a whole lot of sludge shoots out. This
sludge is made in large part of magic smoke particles
from the rain. During Kai's battle with Fukuyama, it was
shown that smoke can deflect other magic smoke, so it's
possible that En's magic was repelled by the sludge that
erupted from and covered Kai's body. |
And Ai had a seemingly endless supply of
sludge inside his body. Kai had a peculiar tendency to disappear
from his chambers, leaving a puddle of the stuff on the floor.
One'd think that their Boss leaking a dark, oily, and quite
flammable liquid would raise some red flags for his CrossEyes
followers, but nope. I suppose nothing is too strange in the
sorcerer world. |
They didn't have much issue with Kai having 8
more heads than he should, either. They were pretty surprised,
but not bothered. |
Ai's dream had evolved as he did. He no
longer wanted to be a mere sorcerer, or even just a collector of
magical powers. He wanted to transcend both sorcerers and
humanity, to become a completely
new being.
To achieve his, he amassed an obscene amount of sorcerer corpses
and was using the black powder from their devils to create an
elaborate biological super suit. |
When the time was right, Ai launched
the final phase of his transformation. He recreated the
lake of toxic sludge on a grander scale. He had the
toxic waste inside him, he buried himself in the
mountain of corpses, now he just needed rain.
It never rains in the sorcerer world, but Ai made full
use of his power. He began to dismantle his dimensional
distortion. First he released all the rain he had by
purging the replica of Hole. As the distortion broke
down, Ai's upper torso was
visible on him again. He then summoned Aikawa back
to him and collapsed everything - all the inner
The crate housing Ai's original body shattered, and the
rest of the crates were sucked into a chaotic whirlpool
of sludge.
This overall inner fusion was reflected in the fusion of
his outer body with itself and with the super suit. What
emerged was a giant, four-faced monstrosity that
breathed magic smoke and leaked concentrated black
I call it Darth Kai since it makes Darth Vader-like
respirator noises. But this creature couldn't walk or
talk. Though it cast a magic door on instinct, it
couldn't judge its relative size. Despite oozing magical
power, it didn't know how to defend itself and mostly
sat dormant in a corner. As Ai
predicted, his old identity was completely gone.
Darth Kai acted like a baby precisely because it was a
newborn being.
The transformation didn't fail to draw in a crowd of
Devils. Chidaruma, the King of Devils himself, was
intrigued. And it seems that the Devils have been
keeping an eye on Kai for a while now. Chidaruma didn't
intervene to save his friend En. Haru kept warning Haze
to stay away from Ai and, after the transformation,
commented that there's no way to save Ai anymore and
that she has her own job to do. The Devils' involvement
in Ai's work is still a mystery. |

. |

. |
What Ai created was essentially an
artificial Devil. But, just as the artificial sorcerer
he changed himself into wasn't identical to natural
sorcerers, it stands to reason that the Devil he changed
himself into isn't the same as the exiting Devils
The sorcerer body which Ai engineered was in many ways
superior to natural sorcerers. It could gain powers by
incorporating other devil tumors into its brain -
something the CrossEyes at Kai's lab couldn't get to
work on themselves. And, of course, the body came with a
lot of spare parts and failsafes.
Is the Devil Ai engineered likewise superior to its
natural counterparts? At first, it didn't seem so. The
cumbersome body was all powered up with nowhere to go.
But the transformation was not complete. In the language
of evolution and mutation, Darth Kai was a transitional
form (*smirk*). Right after the fusion of his body in
the magic user world, he indicated that he needed to get
to Hole to continue.
Ai needed
more sacrifices and Hole's native sludge to attain
his goal. Perhaps, even more specifically, he needed the
same sludge pit he originally dove into.
Like a newly-hatched larva, Darth Kai was terribly
hungry. He devoured the dead bodies around him
through tubes and deposited them into a
bag attached to his back. Once he gathered enough
corpses, he mixed them with the devil tumors he
collected before, and dove into the sludge pit.
This allowed him to metamorphose into a more
human-looking form. He advanced through a tunnel
followed by a wall of sludge, chanting "Hole." His
speech bubbles were now spiky like a Devil's. |
Is this Ai's final form? He has shown another
form: that of a
sludge monster strewn with heads and spikes. Was this a
hallucination? He has triggered at least one
hallucination lately... or was that a premonition? Perhaps
it's an effect of the sludge... but is Ai separate from the
sludge? Is he now the humanoid figure or the wall of sludge...
The surge of sludge inside Ai may have affected the functioning
of his inner dimension. After getting killed by Darth Kai, Ton
found himself in a deserted city, filled with buildings and
roads. This was not Hell, where sorcerers normally go upon
death. |

. |
Until now, we've only seen the
dimension from inside Ai's headquarters, since that is
where his various aspects enter/exit from/to the outer
world. However, from the windows of the headquarters, it
could be seen that Ai had a whole replica of Hole inside
him. Not being one of Ai's aspects, did Ton simply end
somewhere in that greater city? Or did Ai's inner
dimension actually change?
Unlike the headless ghosts haunting Ai's headquarters,
Ton retained his head, as did Natsuki who he pulled out
of a sludge pit. Both of their devil tumors had been
absorbed by Darth Kai. This was very different from what
happened to En. En's devil tumor was incorporated by
sorcerer Kai, but En still ended up in Hell.
Could the concentration of sludge inside Ai be so great,
and twisting space to such an extent, that it is acting
as a black hole which won't even let souls escape? Ton
and Natsuki were trapped in a reality distortion which
circles in on itself. |