& Taikoubou back to Ou Eki |
Ou Eki became Dakki's disciple. She helped him split his soul
further into three parts, and placed the splits into bodies with
Youkai as the base. They ended up looking like long-eared
goth versions of Taikoubou... Which I think is super hawt! Don't
you just wanna cuddle him?!... No?... Maybe it's just me, then.
His Youkai name was
(1, 2, and 3), leader of the Juttenkun - twelve powerful Youkai
counterparts to Kongrong's twelve Juunisen Sennin.
However, he had no love for either Kongrong or Kingou, and his
loyalties lay instead with Dakki. He worked with her to
orchestrate the great war between Kongrong and Kingou and make
his childhood dream of mass destruction come true. He still
remembered the Houshin Project and knew that every move he made
furthered his ultimate goal. Dakki, in turn, was taking orders
directly from Jyoka, and the fact that Outenkun sided with her
despite this said something about Dakki's own intentions.
wasn't the most stable person in the world. He was driven by
hatred and spite, reveled in torture and death, and was
generally not a very nice guy. In fact, if he was being nice at
all, it was usually a red flag for some sadistic trap. Feeling
himself to be beyond repair, he wanted others to share in his
pain. He wanted those responsible for his condition to break as
much as he did. |
though, for the most part, he did Dakki's bidding, Outenkun was
no brainwashed zombie. It just so happened they had the same
goal. Other than that, he definitely had his own agenda, and
set up a few sub-plots of personal interest to him along the
way. He was every bit the brilliant trickster as Taikoubou, and
knew how to hit people where it hurt the most - their hearts. |
he had no close combat power, and preferred to get things done
indirectly, he was a devastating enemy. He could project and
multiply his image to confuse his opponent, and travel by
teleporting through dimensional doorways. |
other Juttenkun who created pocket dimensions outside the common
reality, Outenkun could create his own space within the common
reality using his blood. Being inside it was like being inside
his body and trying to fight him on those terms was futile. Into
this space he released his deadliest attack. |

In addition to
creating Outenkun's special dimension, this Paopei released dark
clouds that rained acidic blood. Since Outenkun's dimension
existed within the common reality, it was possible to simply
walk out of it, but doing so before dissolving in his bloodstorm
was a challenge. This exit only worked one way, however, and
those outside had to watch their friends suffer.
This Paopei takes the
form of a tiny parasitic bug that attaches itself to a host and
drains their energy. Its influence appears as a growing flower
pattern on the body, and it is lethal if not treated. The Dani
also appears to multiply and infect those nearby, so it's great
for infiltrating enemy bases. |

Hates: Youzen
Causes Death Of: Gyokutei Shinjin, Tsuuten Kyoushu, half
of the immortal world.
split had a grudge against Youzen for being pampered at Kongrong
while he was confined to a prison cell at Kingou by Tsuuten
Kyoushu. Outenkun 1 took Youzen hostage and unleashed the
Kousuijin on his beloved mentor, Gyokutei Shinjin, when he came
to save him. Instead of escaping himself, Gyokutei carried
Youzen out of the storm and melted away in the process. Outenkun
1 unmasked Youzen in front of his friends hoping the knowledge
of his Youkai heritage would turn them against him (it
didn't work). He finally sacrificed his life to set up a fight
between Youzen and his father, Tsuuten Kyoushu, in which the
latter died. Outenkun 1's greatest accomplishment was provoking
Bunchuu into starting the war between Kingou and Kongrong, and
decimating the ranks of the Juttenkun. |
Genshitenson, Bunchuu
Causes Death Of: Kou Hiko, Bunchuu, other half of the
immortal world.
split wanted revenge against Genshitenson for trading him to
Kingou for Youzen... and, err, I'm not quite sure why he hated
Bunchuu... probably 'cause Bunchuu's a bossy jerk. Genshitenson
thought he had everything under control, including Ou Eki, but
Outenkun 2 was out to prove just how easily this carefully
constructed world could shatter. He had Bunchuu massacre the
Junnisen of Kongrong, which escalated into a no holds barred
death match with Genshitenson himself. After the dust cleared,
Outenkun 2 turned his attention to Bunchuu. He kidnapped
Bunchuu's best friend, Kou Hiko, and stuck them together in his
Kousuijin dimension. Kou Hiko disintegrated, and though Bunchuu
lashed out and killed Outenkun 2, he lost all will to fight and
committed suicide. |
Causes Death Of: Kou Tenka
This split hated
Taikoubou for taking his place as Genshitenson's disciple. He
tried to overthrow Taikoubou's plan to vanquish the Yin Dynasty
by human hands by using the Sennin Kou Tenka's thirst for
revenge to defeat the Emperor. Tenka stopped short of doing that
and was stabbed from behind by a guard. Much as Outenkun 3 hated
Taikoubou, he also found their mental sparring exhilarating, and
his hatred gradually turned to fascination. Outenkun never
stopped looking for the other half of his soul. It was perhaps
his only hope of healing the emptiness he felt inside and
becoming whole. When he was convinced he had found it in
Taikoubou, Outenkun's fascination turned to bittersweet longing.
Taikoubou finally managed to die Outenkun caught his soul in one
of his dimensions and they had a little chat. (I assume Outenkun
caught and joined with the souls of Outenkun 1 & 2 in the
same way) Taikoubou felt their connection too, but he had a very
hard time coming to terms with the idea that they were the same
person. It would mean he was responsible for all the death and
destruction Outenkun had wrought on his friends.
Eki stayed true to the Houshin Project by masterminding its
execution from both sides of the battlefront: Kongrong Mountain
and Kingou Island. Taikoubou openly pursued its objectives while
Outenkun manipulated things from the shadows. It was Outenkun
who let Youzen take down the Kingou Island barrier and allowed
Kongrong to launch an attack, it was Outenkun who split up the
Juttenkun so they would be easily defeated, who caused Bunchuu's
downfall and used Tenka's life to make overthrowing the Yin
smoother by human hands. Outenkun did everything Taikoubou
would've done if he wasn't burdened by a conscience. And now
with Taikoubou's own body gone, he had no choice but to join
with Outenkun if he wanted to continue his mission. |
As Taikoubou and Outenkun
reunited into Ou Eki, they were flooded with their forgotten
alien memories and finally reclaimed their birthright. I would
venture to say this was Fukki's plan all along. What better way
to keep his identity and his plans secret from Jyoka than if
even he himself didn't know their full implications until
everything was set in place? |