Honorable Mentions: S - T Organized by series in alphabetical order, and by how much I like them.
KEY TRAITS RATING SYSTEM________________________ |
Saint Seiya/Lost Canvas Elsewhere: Shaka/Asmita, Ikki (Top "10" Anime/Manga Guys) |
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SISYPHUS (Sagittarius) Sex: Male Sisyphus is perhaps Athena's purest, most loyal Saint. After being pierced with his own arrow by Hades, he got stuck in a dream coma by his guilt from thinking that his role in separating Athena from her childhood friend Alone triggered the Holy War. After shaking off those bonds, he returned as the selfless protector he is. Sisyphus gouged out his eyes in a battle to protect a sacred ship, and shortly thereafter ripped out his own heart so that Athena's army could gain entrance to Hades. Although this was undoubtedly a fatal move, he still got back up long enough to help his fellow Gold Saints cast Athena Exclamation before succumbing to death. Song I Associate With Him: "Last of the Wilds" and "Amaranth" by Nightwish Related Links: Knights of the Zodiac, Favorite Saint Seiya Fights, Sisyphus Wallpaper (1920 x 1200), Sisyphus & Sasha Wallpaper (1920 x 1200), Regulus, Ilias & Sisyphus Wallpaper (1920 x 1200) |
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REGULUS/ILIAS (Leo) Sex: Male The Leo Saints are valiant and strong. Ilias was considered to be the most powerful Saint of his generation, and he trained Regulus to follow in his footsteps. However, Ilias was afflicted with an illness that became a deadly handicap in his fight against Wyvern Rhadamanthys. Regulus went to Sanctuary in his place, and quickly made his way up the Saint ranks. He was an exceptionally talented prodigy who was able to learn by observation and to surpass that which he saw. In fact, he was able to master everything except the mystical skills possessed by Ilias which granted inner peace and communion with nature. But, when the time came to avenge his father, Regulus was able to overcome his mortal limitations and burn more brightly than a supernova. Song I Associate With Him: "Prophet of the Last Eclipse" by Luca Turilli Related Links: Knights of the Zodiac, Favorite Saint Seiya Fights, Regulus Wallpaper (1920 x 1200), Regulus & Ilias Wallpaper (1920 x 1200), Regulus, Ilias & Sisyphus Wallpaper (1920 x 1200) |
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MILO/KARDIA (Scorpio) Sex: Male The Scorpio Saints don't mess around. Their signature red nail injects unimaginable pain into their prey. Milo prefers to bleed people to death, wreaking havoc on their central nervous system, while Kardia would rather set his victims' blood on fire and incinerate their heart. Both are equally bloodthirsty, although Milo is smug and practical about it, and Kardia is a lot more enthusiastic. But despite all this, they are very honorable warriors who value passion and pride. Song I Associate With Him: "Toxic" by Britney Spears Related Links: Knights of the Zodiac, Favorite Saint Seiya Fights, Milo Wallpaper (1920 x 1200, art by Future Studio) |
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MU (Aries) Sex: Male Mu..... fixes armor. This seems to be the purpose for his existence. At least that's the impression you come away with from the original TV series. In actuality, this level-headed, soft-spoken Gold Saint of Aries is a crafty and fearsome opponent. He's great at both offense and defense, as well as a number of other tricks such as teleportation and telekinesis. One of the three Gold Saints who saw through the false Pope's deception, Mu lived as a hermit in the land of Jamir. He has a quiet wisdom about him that few would question. Related Links: Knights of the Zodiac, Favorite Saint Seiya Fights |
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MISTY (Lacerta) Sex: Male Why do I like Misty? I don't even know. He (yes, he) just has this campy charm that I can't resist. Despite wearing pink tights to match his pink lipstick, Misty will gladly strip it all off to bathe in the ocean while admiring his own naked body. He is a walking parody of every arrogant, narcissistic girly man ever created. Or, I should say, was. For despite the throngs of Silver Saints who came to avenge him, Misty is still dead. Twice dead, actually. He will be missed. :( Related Links: Favorite Saint Seiya Fights |
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ALBAFICA (Pisces) Sex: Male A.K.A. "My Poor Beautiful Bloody Flower T_T" Albafica takes everyone by surprise when, despite the Pisces temple being the last in the Zodiac, he comes down from atop Sanctuary to intercept Griffon Minos before he can even reach Aries. This is the first real fight in Lost Canvas, and one of the bloodiest and most brutal, setting up the morbidly desperate tone of the series. Albafica normally attacks with roses, but against this sadistic Judge of Hell, he resorted to using his own poisonous blood as a weapon, proving to Minos that he was more than just a pretty face. It's truly heart-rending that someone as sweet, selfless, and brave as Albafica was forced to live in isolation because of his blood, and denied himself real love or warmth. Song I Associate With Him: "Hold Me, Thrill Me, Kiss Me, Kill Me" by U2 Related Links: Knights of the Zodiac, Favorite Saint Seiya Fights |
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SAGA/ASPROS & KANON/DEFTEROS (Gemini) Sex: Male The Gemini twins bring double trouble. There isn't a single incarnation where they aren't utterly dysfunctional, fighting a two-front war with each other and inside themselves. The older brothers tend to have a split personality; the younger tend to be rebellious. Saga usurps the Pope and tries to kill Athena. Kanon took over Poseidon's aquatic temple and nearly outwitted the god himself. Aspros attempts to assassinate the Pope, too. Defteros considers himself a demon. But, when all is said and done, the brothers usually find some sort of peace inside and out. Their battle arsenal includes such awesome powerhouses as the Galaxian Explosion, reputed to tear apart stars and galaxies in its wake, as well as the dreaded Genrou Mao Ken, which controls the victim's mind. Song I Associate With Him: "Prince of the Starlight" by Luca Turilli Related Links: Knights of the Zodiac, Favorite Saint Seiya Fights |
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SHIRYU (Draco) Sex: Male Shiryu's talents are stripping, bleeding, and going blind. I don't know where he gets his shirts, but I'm starting to suspect they're rigged with explosives designed to go off in his enemy's face. Despite being honorable to a fault, Shiryu is exceptionally lethal. Where others fail, he will find a way to dispatch an opponent, no matter the cost to himself. Yes, nobody survives Shiryu. O.o;; He's the most disciplined and selfless of the Bronze Saints. Related Links: Favorite Saint Seiya Fights |
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SHUN (Andromeda) Sex: Male A.K.A. "The Pink One" I have a love-hate relationship with Shun. He had a breathtaking entrance with so much promise, and then he screwed it all up by being a pacifist crybaby. I don't know, sometimes Shun's caring nature is very sweet and touching, but usually it just annoys the crap out of me, especially when he starts sabotaging his teammates. Shun actually packs quite a punch when provoked, but that takes a while, so he mostly gets his ass kicked. And when Shun's in trouble, his brother Ikki shows up like clockwork to help. I think I've actually developed a Pavlovian excitement response to Shun's battles since 50% of them end with Ikki. Related Links: Favorite Saint Seiya Fights |
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MIME (Benetnasch) Sex: Male Mime exudes no killing intent. Do not be fooled by his pretty face and lithe frame. His sweet melody has lured many an unsuspecting warrior to their doom. Calm, centered, and deadly, Mime uses his lyre to confuse, bind, and tear asunder any who stand in his way. "The strong survive, the weak die" is what he tells himself, but underneath his icy demeanor is a lost little boy who misses his family. Related Links: Favorite Saint Seiya Fights |
Samurai Champloo | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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JIN Sex: Male Stoic, honorable, disciplined, and elegant samurai. He hardly talks, but when he does he is soft-spoken and polite. Though he seems aloof he is actually thoughtful and kind. |
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MUGEN Sex: Male The exact opposite of Jin, Mugen is hot-headed, reckless, and vulgar. No real surprise in that since he used to be a pirate. Still, he is probably Jin's equal with a sword. |
Shin Angyo Onshi | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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WON SUL RANG Sex: Male Won Sul is Jushin's best swordsman. In fact, his swordsmanship is so good that his sword became invisible! He has learned to form blades using his own chi, sharpened by sheer killing intent. Yes, he has come a long way from the skittish, innocent young man he was while under Munsu's command. He now massacres all in his path without batting an eye. So useful he is, in fact, that Aji Tae brought him back from the dead to further his plans. Poor, poor boy. He goes through hell before he's allowed to rest. |
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MUNSU Sex: Male Once a legendary General of Jushin's army, Munsu lost his reputation, his best friend, his lover, and his country due to the scheming of Aji Tae. He became an Angyo Onshi, who are sworn to uphold justice and help the weak, but Munsu couldn't be farther from this ideal. He only helps those who help themselves and insists that nobody should wait for miracles. Although he comes off harsh and callous, his life has given him good reason to bury his sensitive side under piles of angst. More than anything he wishes to get revenge on Aji Tae for destroying everything he held dear. Song I Associate With Him: "Touched" by VAST |
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AJI TAE Sex: Male Aji Tae had a lot of potential. Following Taoist principles, he believed that "good" and "evil" were man-made constructs and desired to return humanity to a state before such delusions polluted their minds. He wanted all to be free. But, somewhere along the way, he took a wrong turn and veered off into crazy evil villain land. Aji is ridiculously overpowered, and spreads wanton destruction wherever he goes. While I mourn the squandered philosophical opportunities he presented, and facepalm at the stupidity of his death, he's still gorgeous and makes things interesting. |
Slayers Elsewhere: Zelgadis, Xelloss (Top "10" Anime/Manga Guys), Lina (Top 10 Anime/Manga Girls) |
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AMELIA WIL TESLA SEYRUUN Sex: Female Amelia fights for love, friendship, and justice! Though she starts out a clumsy, annoying wreck, she slowly gains maturity throughout the series until you can finally see her for the Princess and heir to Seyruun that she is. Her primary role is that of a healer, but she is also skilled in astral spells and dabbles in black magic. |
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VALGAAV Sex: Male "I am (the only surviving after the Gold Dragons massacred my race and left me desperate and dying in a wasteland of broken corpses) Ancient Dragon hear me angst." |
Twelve Kingdoms | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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SHOURYUU Sex: Male A.K.A. King of En Hail to the King, baby! His people loved him so much they came back and tried to help him fight a suicidal battle after he clearly told them to escape. Everyone died and he was very sad. Why must he be cursed with such ravishing good looks and likeable personality? WHY GOD WHY?!? |