a startling turn of events, we find out that the psychic power
that runs in the Kurosaki family does not only stem from the
mother's side. Isshin is revealed to be an ex Shinigami captain,
capable of taking out the Grand Fisher in one blow! Could this
alone account for Ichigo's amazing potential?
it certainly doesn't hurt. Isshin's genes could help explain
Ichigo's power, but they do not refute any of the points already
made. Also, if only Isshin's genes are responsible, why is there
such an inconsistent distribution of power among the three
siblings? Ichigo's potential exceeds not only his sisters', but
very likely Isshin himself.
in Soul Society fall in love and have families. Surely captains
have had children before, yet none as obscenely powerful as
Ichigo, and none with a potentially inborn Hollow. It is more
likely the special-ness lies within Ichigo, not Isshin,
especially when genes are diluted through mating with a human.
Something more is going on.
parentage might, however, be a way for a Shinigami soul
to incarnate as a (half?) human. |
Read from RIGHT to LEFT <<<

Chapter 187 |