Force - Episodes 37 - A Calm Before the Storm (Yaoi style) |
When Mr.
Collins decides to research the power of the futuristic Triserium
crystals, Eric goes to warn Wes out of the goodness of his heart.

WES: "Eric...! Hey... *looks at Jen* what's...up?"
Crap, Jen's here... gowd this
is awkward. ~_~;;

Eric pauses, flashes a
sideways glance at Jen and frowns towards Wes.
No, really!!
Thanks to his strict
military discipline, Eric manages to keep his composure.

thought you'd want to know that... Bio-Lab... is doing
some research.
They're trying to create a Triserium crystal. |
JEN: |
crystals?! But they shouldn't be made for 100 years!" |

if it's up to Mr. Collins, they'll have one a lot sooner
than that." |

"I think you need to have a talk with your father,
Wes." |
And while you're at it maybe you can
talk to him about... you know... us.....
and ditch that girl you're using as your cover.

Wes is, like, transfixed by
Eric throughout that entire conversation.
Eric turns to leave and finally...
WES: "Eric!
Thanks for the information."
Eric smiles and nods.

Some time later, Eric walks in on Wes in the
Clock Tower... alone this time.

WES: |
"Hey!" |
father asked me to give this to you.
*hands Wes a
briefcase*" |
You sure it's not just an
excuse to see Wes?

Wes opens the briefcase to
find... a (really big) wedding ring??
No, pieces of the Triserium crystals that Wes has been nagging his
father to give up!
Eric is happy that Wes is
happy. ^___^

ERIC: "He's not
gonna make the crystal..."
Yea, that's cool... but I
kinda wanted a wedding ring...

ERIC: "...See ya..."
They share a lingering
smile - that Eric initiated! *_*
- Episode 37
to Wes x Eric
to Quantum Power
back to Voices
DISCLAIMER: All pictures,
characters, and stories are Copyright their
respective owners. They are NOT of my making and, to the best of
my knowledge, they are not gay. No copyright infringement is intended. |