Force - Episodes 39 - End of Time, Part II (Yaoi style) |
Wes races back through the
debris to check on Eric.

And y'know how Eric jumped
atop the Q-Rex to attack Doomtron?
Yeeah... that didn't work out
too well for him.

Wes reaches him in time to see
him get annihilated.

The injured Eric digs himself
out of the wreckage and is immediately attacked by robots.

Having just fallen off the
height of a skyscraper, Eric can't fight
them off well at all.
Thankfully, Wes jumps in and
saves him!
Wes saves Eric
- |||| |
Eric saves Wes - ||||
WES: "Eric!!"

Wes runs up to help the
struggling Eric get up.
was managing just fine, thanks!" |
Uhh... sure you were,
sweetheart. o.o

Together they escape the wrath
of Doomtron.

Wes finds a hiding spot, rests
Eric against a wall, and leans in to check on him.
WES: |
you holding out?" |
obvious pain) I'm fine. *moves Wes's hand away*
You should get back to your friends." |
WES: |
they're gone... back to the year 3000..." |
"............." |
WES: |
"From now on...
it's just you and me." |
your friends abandoned you, huh?" |
Hmm... interesting how Eric
automatically assumes abandonment.
I told you, I work alone!" |

Eric tries to get up,
stumbles, falls.
Wes sits down by Eric.
WES: |
is it with you?! For years I've tried to be your
but you don't want anything to do with me!" |
After all this time, Wes'
patience with Eric finally runs out. He won't stand by and have
his feelings be trampled upon anymore. He is tired of playing head
games and wants to know exactly what he means to Eric!

Cue longass soliloquy.
friend? You don't even know the first thing about me, Wes.
I had nothing. I was dirt poor. And I have struggled for
as long
as I can remember to pull my life out of the gutter. No
one helped
me. Not even for one minute. Unlike you, who's had
handed to him on a silver platter." |
Ahh, there it
is! The real reason behind Eric's bitter loneliness. He's lying
through his teeth by saying that nobody helped him, for Wes has
been helping him and caring about him ever since they met. But
he's afraid of getting hurt, especially by Wes! He is ashamed of
his background and doesn't feel worthy of Wes' attention. Always
there is the nagging fear that sooner or later, if Wes really gets
to know him, he will see him as street trash just like everyone
else has. So he keeps himself distant and harsh, shielding his
feelings, while at the same time doing everything in his power to
prove his worth to Wes through a thinly veiled facade of rivalry.
and I have NOTHING in common!" |

Wes can see right through
Eric's masks.
WES: |
We may have grown up differently, but we have a LOT in
We both fought to change our destinies and we both
succeeded!" |

Embarrassed at being so
transparent, Eric turns away, but Wes won't let him retreat into
his shell.

WES: "Look at
He takes Eric's hand and
puts it next to his, holding their morphers side by side.

WES: |
are Power Rangers, Eric! And friends or not,
we're the only hope this city has right now." |
"................" |
Wes still very much holding
Eric's hand.
WES: "Lets DO
*ahem* Do what? ^^
Are we talking about some intensive "morale boosting"
And if so, can I watch? ^^;
Hmm, it would seem that Wes is
taking Eric upstairs to his place...
WES: "We're
almost... *pant*... there... *pant*...... Come on... *grunt*...
lets go!"

Cut to a darkened room at the
top of the Clock Tower.
Wes is dressing Eric's wound - after removing his longsleeve
Silver Guardian shirt, of course.
WES: |
tightening the bandage* Alright." |
attempt to push Wes away* Thanks..." |
Wes is worried.
WES: |
know, Eric, you're pretty badly hurt! You gotta take it
The next time we go out there-" |
doesn't matter how bad it is, does it? *begins to get
I still have to fight." |
WES: |
head and nods* ...Yeah." |

But Eric does
soften up. When he sees Wes looking at photos of the other
Rangers, he drops his tough guy exterior and expresses sympathy.
friends... how do you know they're okay?" |
WES: |
don't." |
sentimental moment, however, is interrupted by robots crashing
through the windows.
Wes and Eric nod to each
other, and get to work.
Although Wes is holding his
own, Eric is just getting pummeled from all sides.
Poor thing's really had a rough day... =/
Good thing Wes is there to
save him!!
WES: |
"BACK!!" |
many, Wes! Lets get outta this place!!" |
Wes saves Eric: ||||
Eric saves Wes: ||||

Wes locks arms with Eric and
ties himself to some rope.
WES: |
"Now do
you need my help?!" |
"*grins* Going up!" |
Eric shoots the rope's knot and they are propelled up, up and
Meanwhile, Mr.
Collins is scouring the city's rubble for Wes. Instead he
encounters some hostile robots. Wes and Eric jump onto the scene
and fight in unison to destroy them!

"Power Down!!"

WES: |
what are you doing here?!" |
was looking for you! Listen, I'm sorry for pushing you
to do things my way. I couldn't be prouder of you,
son." |
Do things his way? Would that
include taking on his ideologies? Could this have to do with his
long-overdue acceptance of Wes - in all aspects of his
life? Is this his OK to date Eric?

No time to ponder these
While Wes and Mr. Collins hug, one of the robots
awakens and only Eric is alert enough to see it.
He jumps in front
of them and shoots it...

...but receives the full force
of the blast.
Vulnerable as he is out of his Ranger armor, Eric gets utterly fried
in the process.
Wes saves
Eric: |||| ||
Eric saves Wes: |||| |

He is caught by Wes as he
WES: |
"We gotta get
him help!" |
"I'll take
him." |
"NO! No... I'm
going with you... *tries to get up, fails* UGH..." |

WES: "*places hand
on Eric's chest* Eric, don't worry... I've got it from here."
Just as Wes is about to
leave, Eric catches his arm.
Wait... *speaks into morpher* Deactivate voice
identification! Take this. If anything can neutralize
crystals, my Quantum Defender can." |
OMG, he's giving him his
morpher. O.O
This is big! This is real big!! This is bigger than wedding
The Quantum morpher is his
life! Possibly nothing short of his soul!
It is at this moment that Eric lets go of his rivalry and
surrenders to Wes.

He reaches out a trembling
hand to Wes and he meets it with a strong grip.
get 'em, son!"
With a parting glance at
Eric, Wes finally lets go of his hand and sets off to save the

Eric's morpher on his left
hand and his own on his right, Wes charges forth at Ransik's
With the fusion of their powers, Wes and Eric are united in
spirit, they have become one being!
- Episode 39
to Wes x Eric
to Quantum Power
back to Voices
DISCLAIMER: All pictures,
characters, and stories are Copyright their
respective owners. They are NOT of my making and, to the best of
my knowledge, they are not gay. No copyright infringement is intended. |