Wild Force - Episodes
24 - Reinforcements from the Future, Part I (Yaoi style) |
Eric catches Taylor, Wild
Force's Yellow Ranger, speeding
in her new car.
Apparently the Silver Guardians handle speeding
violations now??

you have any idea how fast you were going, ma'am?" |
sorry, officer, you see-" |
driver's license, please." |

hands over license* |
you." |
Once again Eric proves he
is not swayed by pretty girls!

After Taylor drives off, Eric
rejoins Wes in their Silver Guardians van.
WES: |
did you give her a ticket?" |
I could just tell she was trouble." |
WES: |
Just your type!" |
WHAAAATT?! Eric has a TYPE?!
For FEMALES?! Isn't he with WES now?!?
you kidding??" |
BWAHAHAHA!! Thank you, Eric!!
Wes was just messing with him, of
course they're together. ^___^
Note that Eric is driving.
Some time later the Silver
Guardians are called in to defend the city from monsters!
Wes and Eric stand side by side, guns drawn, and try the direct
WES: "Wes are the
Silver Guardians! You are under arrest!"
ERIC: "Surrender
now or we will be forced to shoot!"

Hmm... that seemed to not have worked. =/

They give orders in unison!

When that doesn't work either,
they try good old fashioned hand to hand, but get knocked back.

Wes runs up to Eric and lifts
him up.
WES: "Let me
help you!"
Eric doesn't argue.
*double take*
WHAT?! Eric accepting HELP?!
OMG, who are you and what have you done to Eric?? (good things, I
Oh boy, now what?

After a quick scan of their
decimated troops, Wes and Eric nod to each other...

...And transform into their
matching red costumes!
WES: "Alright,
Eric, lets finish this!!"
So, OK, that was a disaster.

Wes lays Eric down on the ground and stays protectively over him.

They stand around in various
suggestive poses.
Wild Force, to the rescue!
*turn in sync*
*get up in sync*
They turn in sync again, but
the monsters bail in the face of so many Rangers.

WES: |
they got away!!" |
get 'em next time." |
Way to lend support, Eric! ^_^

"Power Down!!"

Silver Guardians and Wild
Force Rangers meet up.
ERIC: "What're
you guys doing here??"
Ahh, good to know Eric's
still Eric to everyone else. That makes Wes special. ^_^

Taylor sees Eric and pauses in
I recognize him from somewhere... HEY!! *points
finger*" |
"..." |
the one who gave me a ticket this morning!!" |
"......." |

just helped you!" |
"helped"?? You "showed up".... LATE.
least you can do is say 'thanks'!" |
*glare* |

woah, woah, woah, woah... wait a second, guys!" |
on, guys... We're all Rangers here! Right, Taylor?
Right??" |
ERIC: "Alright,
alright... But why don't you guys leave fighting the mutants to
the big boys!"
OK, so they're not exactly
mutants, they're mutorgs.

WES: "Listen,
guys... We have to go. Thanks for your help *shakes Cole's
Eric is still glaring
hardcore at Taylor when Wes starts walking.
WES: "Come
on... *turns around* Come ooonn!! *drags Eric away by the
Aww how cuuute!!
Back at Bio-Lab...
WES: |
Alright, first we have to contact the future,
and find out if any mutants have escaped." |

Take out antennae... extend in

...And pose!
*cue Ambiguously
Gay Duo theme song*
And look! It's their old
threesome partner, Trip!

Eric! It's good to see you!" |
Trip." |
WES: |
any mutants escaped from the future?" |
umm..." |
WES: |
please, you have to tell us what you know." |
Force was tracking three fugitives in the year 2001.
How they showed up in the year 2002 is beyond me." |

and... there's something you should know....
Wes, um... Jen was assigned a special mission to
arrest those mutants. But... we lost contact with
her a few weeks ago." |
Whew, thanks for the heads up,

Wes' head goes up, Eric's head
comes down, lol.
Both are deep in thought about how this new development is going
to affect them.
WES: "Jen..."
...How am I going to
explain Eric without breaking her heart? ~_~

Eric pats him
on the shoulder. He is not threatened by Wes' wannabe Ex. His
relationship with Wes has had its ups and downs over the years,
but that only served to develop an unfailing level of trust
between them. ^___^

Eric and Wes
manage to enlist Taylor's help to find the Wild Force Rangers
because they believe that by combining knowledge and powers they
could defeat their enemy. She leads them to her team's hideout...
but only after being a snotty bitch about it.
"*smirks* That's my Eaglezord! I bet you've never seen
anything like it before!"
Wait, who am I kidding,
she's always a snotty bitch.

ERIC: "A giant
eagle, huh? *leans to Wes* Big deal!"
Wes motions for him to calm
down and play nice.
ERIC: "...You
should see my Q-Rex!"

Once they rejoin the other
Rangers, Wes gets a call from Trip, but he can't just take out his
antenna thingies alone - they have to do it TOGETHER!!
Exchange... set down...

And later still... The Wild
Force guys are celebrating gaining backup from Time Force.
Eric tries his darnest to be nice to Taylor - for Wes' sake!
got some interesting friends." |
drive me crazy sometimes." |
used to feel the same way about my friends..." |
...And now I'm married to
one of them!
In other news, Eric has friends??

Finally, the mutorgs arrive
and Wes, Eric, and the Wild Force Rangers run to the scene!

Everybody gets their ass
kicked and Wes is now cornered by a mutorg.
ERIC: "Wes!!"

Enter Jen... in black leather!
She cartwheels in and saves Wes.
A while back she stole Wes'
chance to save Eric from a raging river.
Now she stole Eric's chance to save Wes.
- Episode 24
to Wes x Eric
to Quantum Power
back to Voices
DISCLAIMER: All pictures,
characters, and stories are Copyright their
respective owners. They are NOT of my making and, to the best of
my knowledge, they are not gay. No copyright infringement is intended. |