House of the Dead 2
Year: 2005
Length: 95min
Role: Nakagawa
House of the Dead 2

Well... I obviously rented this because Dan is in it. I hoped that since Dan got 7th billing for the movie at IMDB, he might be a reasonable side character. I knew he'd die, but I kinda hoped he'd last for a little while. He managed to get one line off before the inevitable: "DNA scan. Analyzes their blood." Then he was ambushed by a zombie and fought it off... hand to hand. Baaaaad idea! I mean, yah he kicked its ass but seriously, who fights a zombie with their bare hands?? Those fuckers bite!!

So he got infected, and when the resident zombie expert said that putting a bandage on it won't help, they hack his arm off. That didn't work either, though, and when he turned, he bit the doctor too. And there went the two cutest guys in the movie.


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