The color inserts of Pandora Hearts volumes feature each
character with a unique chair. All of these chairs have
something to say about their character, with clues and patterns
that can be very revealing. (Click on the pictures for a larger
. |
Oz is sitting on a red chair with a golden rim.
He is wearing his post-Abyss clothes, which somewhat dissociates
the chair from having a part in his Coming of Age ceremony,
though the cat on his head links him to his carefree past.
Red is the color of the Bloodstained Black Rabbit, and Alice
rabbit dolls have been known to sit on red cushions. But ever
since Oz contracted with Alice, he's also been associated with
the color red: a passionate color that often implies blood.
There are twin chains hanging on the chair, one on each side of
The golden rim of the chair is a wild mix of spirals and wings.
Golden wings around a green gem is the crest of the Vessalius
dukedom, and though there is no green gem here, the top of the
chair has well-defined golden wings framing a square inside of
which a gem might fit.
The square also has four lines linking into it, which is similar
to the Pandora Cross' central square with four gates linking
into it. It may be indicating a special relationship the
Vessalius have with the Abyss. For more on the golden wings of
Vessalius and the Pandora Cross, see the
Wings & Feathers and
Crosses sections.
Gilbert is leaning against a purple chair with a gold rim. His
beloved hat rests on the cushion.
I know what you're thinking. Why is the chair purple?!? ...Well,
that's what I was thinking... Purple is a color normally
associated with Glen, Break, and Alyss, whereas Gil's color is
decidedly blue. But here's the thing... I'm pretty sure it's not
his chair! As I'll demonstrate later, the pearl cushion lining
and seashell design is unique to Glen's furniture.
Gil isn't even sitting in this chair, he's protecting it for
someone else. He's probably looking down at his left hand - the
one that releases Raven - because Raven was the first Chain that
Glen was supposed to transfer to him. This chair being on Gil's
volume insert is showing his "abnormal" loyalty to his Master.
There is a golden chain coming down from the middle of the
chair's back and disintegrating on the ground towards Gilbert.
Could this be symbolic of his past ties to Glen being cut off?
Break has the most dynamic pose, perched as he is on a tilted
chair. Is he about to fall or is he balanced? Of course, someone
of Break's skill and dexterity can maintain such a precarious
equilibrium, and his contemplative expression shows that he's in
control. But, at the same time, it shows that he's literally
living on the edge. Poor Emily is holding on for dear life!
His chair is purple, which is fitting, but his outfit has some
uncharacteristic colors. The lining of his coat is purple, but
the coat itself is navy blue. He has yellow belts around his
right leg and there are yellow roses in his blue hat. Unlike the
coat in his
cover picture, this one is tattered on the bottom.
This is the outfit he wore 10 years ago, when he convinced
little Gil to be adopted by the Nightrays, so perhaps the odd
color scheme represents a transition phase from his old Kevin
self to what we know of him now. He holds a lollipop in his
right hand because, well, he loves candy.
This is also the only chair whose back cushion isn't connected
to the seat cushion. Maybe this represents a conscious severance
of his old life from his new one. The rim design is very sharp
and prickly, with pointy curves that look like crescent moons,
maybe indicating his occasionally thorny personality. There are
lines spiraling up the chair's legs, which themselves look like
bamboo stalks.
Sharon sleepily reclines on a pillow in a deluxe pink armchair
rimmed with gold.
This chair shows the luxury of the lifestyle to which she is
accustomed. Lilies are sculpted into the gold rim, the flower of
purity and majesty associated with Sharon.
Break's influence is all around her. The Emily doll is at her
side and she has Break's white outer coat draped over her. He
probably covered her with it while she slept as a brotherly (or,
as Break might think, "fatherly"), protective gesture. But
Break's kindness seldom comes free. At Sharon's feet is Pandora
paperwork with a candy on top which he probably wants her to do
for him. All in good fun.
Vincent is the mortal enemy of anything with stuffing. He has
disemboweled the brown rabbit and decapitated the white one. Not
even the couch was spared his cathartic wrath.
And now he's bored.
Then again, his posture is very compact and drawn inward,
suggesting that he's reacting to something unpleasant... as I
imagine would be the case if he felt the urge to stab everything
in sight. He's pulling away from the brown rabbit. His right
hand is gripping the arm of the couch, his left hand is propping
up his head, and he's looking down at that rabbit, and those
scissors... thinking.
The couch Vincent is sitting on is dark green (I know it's hard
to tell here, but it is green in the printed version) with a
yellow rim. These are typically Vessalius colors, but the symbol
in the bottom middle is the sword-cross emblem of the Nightrays.
The inside of the circle on the right of the couch's back is
lined with keyholes - four or five of them.
The Baskervilles did entrust to Vincent the task of gathering
the keys of the Abyss gates in Pandora's possession, so maybe
it's symbolic of that. But Vincent's first encounter with an
Abyss gate was when he was little, and Miranda Barma asked him
to open the gate that plunged Sablier into the Abyss. Perhaps
the keyholes are symbolic of that, too.
Lottie is the poster child for "torture with a smile," and she
gleefully provides this valuable service.
Few people would want to sit on her chair. It is riddled with
sharp spikes and metal restraints. The chair has scratches and
cracks on it, suggesting this isn't the first time she's used
it. Lottie lovingly decorates it with a pink rose. Probably has
a name for the chair, too.
Though on the
cover Lottie was strangling a rabbit clothed in B-Rabbit's
dress, representing Alice, the rabbit she has shackled to the
chair is wearing a red tie, representing Oz. This is the volume
where Lottie began molesting and questioning Oz, and this chair
is perfect for enhanced interrogation techniques.
Jack sits sadly on an azure-white couch. His left hand is
reaching down to the other cushion, as if he's missing someone
who would normally sit beside him. Jack is wearing red teardrop
earrings, in contrast with the blue ones he wore on the much
A red Baskerville cloak is draped over the next seat. Is it
Glen's? Jack feels terrible about being forced to fight and kill
Glen during the tragedy of Sablier, so this would explain why he
looks so depressed. The cloak also has white streaks across it -
are these representative of sword wounds?
This is the same couch that appears in Glen's volume 10 insert
below. I'm pretty sure this is Glen's couch. It wouldn't be
unusual for Jack to sit on it, since he snuck into the
Baskerville mansion to visit Glen on a regular basis, and his
own family probably couldn't afford something like this. Plus
we've never seen Glen visiting Jack's place, yet he stands by
this couch.
Jack and Glen's inserts match quite nicely, and can practically
be superimposed on each other (except that the cloak isn't
slashed up in the other one, eheheh). But Glen isn't sitting on
the other seat, he's standing behind it. Jack isn't looking at
him if you align the pictures.
Can we assume that Glen would sometimes sit in the second seat
anyway, and that the disparity in their positions is the result
of the pictures being from different points in time? Or is there
something else going on? Had somebody else sat in that seat?
Could Jack here be mourning for Lacie, with Glen's(?) slashed
cloak here symbolic of how far he went for her?
Perhaps one day we'll see a volume insert with either Glen or a
third person sitting in that second seat, and then we'll know.
Cheshire is sitting down, contentedly rubbing against a chair
overflowing with white rabbit dolls. Leaning over the seat of
the chair is the same doll he was cradling on the
Maybe the sheer amount of white rabbit dolls are symbolic of
Alyss' multiple personality and wild mood swings. But, most of
these dolls, aside from the one loved by Cheshire, look male.
The one directly behind the actual W-Rabbit even has bandages
over its left eye, drawing a parallel to Break even though the
clothes don't resemble him at all.
Father Harris
Watson, the Priest from the Pandora Hearts pilot who was
taken over by powers of the Will of the Abyss, later appeared in
art with
a white rabbit head. Maybe the white rabbits here represent
various Contractors, who get their power (Chains) from the Abyss
and the Will herself.
The chair itself belongs to Alyss. It is purple and looks like
it's on a revolving leg, allowing her to see in all directions,
being the Abyss goddess that she is. The top of the chair is
split into three parts, referencing the concept of "trinity."
Only the middle section is lined with pearls. Thorny purple
roses grow around the chair, symbolic of enchantment and
caution. The arms of the chair end in spirals.
Echo sits on a chair shaped like a bear, with a stuffed bear on
her left, while she is hugging a stuffed rabbit. Echo is often
seen with these drooling bear dolls that have a noose around
their necks, but one was also hanging off
Cheryl's fan,
and she used another it
to represent one of the sealing stones.
The bear is a Janta puppet that Echo got on
St. Belligeron's Day. On the
jacket-less cover
of volume 10 it is anthropomorphized as a bashful girl. The
bottom right box says: "Echo's mascot, who has turned into a
human, is shocked by this fact and now is trying to find ways to
revert to its doll form in order to return to Echo once again. A
natural super masochist, its favorite quote is 'I apologize by
hanging myself.'" I guess that explains the noose.
The bear does have some similarities with Vincent. The noose
could be showing Echo's irritation at him. The drooling could be
a reference to hibernation and parallel Vincent's narcolepsy
from exposure to his Doormouse Chain. Bears are very dangerous
when awoken or inconvenienced, and this is likewise true of
Vincent. And, well, Echo is sitting in the bear's lap here, just
like she sits in Vincent's. What is this, Pedobear?? XD
But, when Echo was
hesitant to talk about her annoyance at Vincent during the
festival, Oz encouraged her by saying no-one would find out, so
told it to the Janta puppet
instead. This would make little sense if the puppet is supposed
to be Vincent. Instead, as Echo's mascot, the doll probably represents
Echo's own masochistic tolerance of Vincent's abuse. Maybe even
thinking she deserves it.
Echo is wearing her blue-winged outfit from St. Belligeron's
day, hugging a brown rabbit with a red tie, representative of
her affection for Oz. She looks quite mopey, perhaps dwelling on
the happy time she had at the festival with Oz and wishing she
was still there.
10: Glen
Ahh, finally, we get to Glen's couch! And what a magnificent piece
of work it is! He stands regally beside it, with his right hand
touching the top of the seat Jack was sitting in volume 7. The Lacie music watch lies there instead as Jack's placeholder. Is
Glen missing his best friend? If yes, then why is he looking
away with his eyes closed?
There's a lot of stuff going on in this couch. (Click the
picture for a closer look.)
Its whiteness links it to the Will and possibly Lacie. The backs
of the couch have a tri-pronged structure, like a very subdued
version of Alyss' chair from volume 8. They are also outlined in
pearls, and a fancy seashell design connects the backs of the
two seats. The pearls appear again towards the bottom of the
seats, arranged in a pattern which looks like undulating waves.
These are all very aquatic symbols that could be associated with
the Abyss.
In the dips below the seats are intriguing winged crosses with
diamonds under their arms. Flowers, possibly lilies, are carved
into the dips between the winged crosses. These designs are
similar to ones found on the Lacie music watch, explained in
more detail in the Crosses section.
Note also that the color of the couch here is more purplish and
paler than the vibrant azure sheen present next to Jack in
volume 7.
The red Baskerville cape here is undamaged.
11: Reim
Reim isn't even sitting on his chair. He's sitting cross-legged
on the ground and leaning on the chair with his right elbow
instead. He looks rather frustrated by the mounting piles of
paperwork awaiting his attention. Unlike his
cover picture, these piles are neatly organized and have
writing on them.
The chair is black, perfectly rectangular, and its cushion isn't
very lenient. This shows that Reim likes order and structure in
his life. A yellowish orange flower which I can't identify winds
around the chair.
12: Ada
Ada's chair is very top-heavy. It's flared out at the head and
much thinner at the bottom.
It is a very black chair, with black cushions rimmed with
sculpted black roses, clashing with the yellow-orange of Ada's
attire. She wears yellow roses, blue feathers, and a red ribbon
in her hat. Taken together, the black-yellow-blue-red color
combination suggests a lot of versatility.
Hanging off a chain from some black roses on her right side is a
cage with a skull inside it. Is this hinting at a Chain
A thorny blue rose grows along its side, littering blue petals
inside the cage and under it. It's interesting that most
characters have roses, but they are typically whole. Sometimes
they may have petals swept up by the wind, but Ada seems to be
actively gathering petals.
Hanging off some black roses on her left side is a torture
device, probably from her occult dungeon, showing that she's not
nearly as meek and innocent as she appears. The cushion behind
her is also scratched, with stuffing coming out, indicating some
She looks much happier here than she did on the
13: Lily
Lily doesn't have a chair, exactly. She has a rocking horse,
err, wolf. Perhaps she's too hyper to have a chair and needs
something which allows motion. Or maybe it just shows that she's
too young and innocent, and so her chair is a toy.
The wolf represents her Chain, Bandersnatch, but she's not
sitting on him, either. She'd rather put poor beat up March Hare
doll there, representing Reim. The stars behind Lily show that
she's being playful, but the hare's tears show that he's not
enjoying this at all. Lily tries to engage him, and even slapped
some bows on him to make things better, but it's not working.
He's too terrified and wounded to move.
14: Elliot
Elliot sits on a dark blue stool playing a phantom piano, which
seems to be generating a pale blue cloud of lights. His eyes
are closed and he looks very content. He's wearing his white Lutwidge Academy outfit, but his left pant leg is black and has
hatching lines on it, similar to the one had on part of his
outfit on the
Aside from being brave and principled, piano playing is probably
Elliot's defining trait. It is what brought Elliot and Leo
closer together, and the reason Oz sought them out at all. It
shows his gentler side and recalls a more innocent time when
everyone could still laugh together.
The scene has a very ghostly feel to it, preparing us for the
fact that Elliot is on his way out of the mortal world. This way
things come full circle. Elliot played himself onstage, and now
he plays himself off.
15: Rufus
Rufus is sitting on the floor, with Cheryl's wheelchair behind
him. It's only fitting since he constantly drives her around
everywhere. They've been friends for a long time, and have a
history of Rufus trying to
woo her.
The single red rose is probably a reference to that and normally
means "I
still love you," which is certainly true for his feelings
towards Cheryl, but the way
it lays on the ground tied with yellow ribbon looks like a
gesture of farewell. Rufus doesn't look very happy, either. Not
that he normally looks happy. But here he appears pensive or
His active right hand is hidden, and his left hand is gripping
his knee in a restless manner, perhaps trying to get himself to
Maybe this was foreshadowing of his plans to part ways with
Cheryl and stage her death for the Baskervilles. If Cheryl is
still sitting in that chair, she wouldn't be able to see Rufus
or know what he's plotting. This is a literal symbolism of him
doing things behind her back.
16: Leo
Just as Leo and Elliot have matching yet inverted covers, so do
they have matching yet inverted inserts. They both have a pale
blue cloud of ghostly lights around them, but while Elliot's is
in front of him, Leo's is behind. Both have hatching lines on
their pants, but while Elliot's are on his left leg, Leo's are
on his right leg. Joined at the hip, so to speak.
Leo is also sitting on the same piano stool as Elliot, but he is
looking the opposite way, and instead of wearing the white
Lutwidge Academy uniform, Leo is wearing the outfit he put on
after Elliot's death - all black and white except for the bright
purple tie and gem that accents his connection to Glen.
Depending on how you superimpose the two inserts, Leo can be
facing either towards or away from Elliot. However, if you
orient yourself by the cloud of lights, you see that it wraps
around the chair and arches upwards exactly as in Elliot's
insert. This could mean that Leo and Elliot are sitting on the
very same chair - back to back!
Except, of course, Elliot is a ghost. But this doesn't stop Leo
from hearing and enjoying his music. Or is he just reminiscing
about the times they've had? Either way, Leo looks innocently
happy, and slightly sad in a bittersweet way.
This theme of Leo and Elliot as
complementary contrasts - two halves of a whole - has always
been around, and is one of the things that makes their
relationship so powerful and endearing. |
17: Lacie
Here we finally see who was sitting on the Baskerville cloak,
completing the trinity with Jack and Glen. Lacie grew to be a
wise and dignified lady. Her posture is restrained and compact,
reflective of her caged existence.
Her expression is kind but melancholy. She is one who knows all
the harshness of the world, yet she is filled with
love for it,
and admires it ephemeral beauty. Despite her fate as a
sacrifice, she is glad to have been born and shared of herself
what she could, for however brief a time.
Her outer dress is Glen's purple, since her social identity is
that of the next Glen's sibling. Her inner dress is mourning
black. It is her private persona, symbolic of her suffering as a
Child of Misfortune and the darkness of the Abyss core into
which she will be cast. It is the
blackness she feels spreading inside her. |
18: Levi
While the cover depicts Levi as a scheming mastermind, the
insert shows the more nurturing side of this eccentric
Baskerville patriarch. He was, after all, the one who raised
Oswald and Lacie, as well as Alice. And so, the refined elegance
of Baskerville furniture is here beset with the disheveled mess
that childhood leaves in its wake.
Levi is out of his formal outfit and wearing clothes more
fitting for chasing down unruly kids. His attempt to read them a
story has apparently fallen by the wayside, he has toys and
clothes in each hand, and he is either grimacing or calling to
them in annoyance.
It's interesting that he's holding three toys, mirroring the
three chains on the cover. Even though we now know that the
rabbits are litterally Oz, they are still closely associated
with the Alice twins as beloved plushies. If the two rabbits
represent the Alices, would the mysterious yellow-dressed doll
represent Lacie to complete the trinity and harmonize with the
cover's symbolism?
The couch behind him is purple, the color of Glen. Sprawled on
the couch are red garments, the color of Baskervilles. But Levi
himself is wearing a turquoise vest, the color usually
associated with Jack and the Abyss. Maybe this emphasizes the
connection between Levi and Jack. |