7 Book Guys List
why-isn't-Artemis-Entreri-on-it?!? list.....
TRAITS RATING SYSTEM________________________
A visual map of how the 5 categories from What
I Look For In A Focus break down for each character.
Since how much I like a character has more to do with the
overall chemistry between these qualities than direct
numbers, these graphs are very unreliable predictors of
rank, but fun to look at nonetheless. Crowns correspond to
scoring maximum on attributes:
Looks, :
Power, :
Melee, :
Attitude (Single-minded), :
Attitude (Complex), :
Blood (Invulnerable), :
Blood (Vulnerable)
1 |
Looks |
Power |
Melee |
Attitude |
Blood |
4.4 |
It is true that Drizzt sometimes
comes off as a goody-two-shoes. He is not the most
complicated of characters and had he been a human, a
halfling, a dwarf, or even a surface elf I would not have
given him a second look... Okay, I take that back. If it's
an elf, dual wields, and bleeds I always give it a second
look. But anyway, what elevates Drizzt so far above the rest
is that he rebels against the brainwashing of his heritage.
He passed through the horrors of drow society, and though he
came away from it with deep scars upon his heart, it
fortified his resolve and allowed him to define who he is
and what he stands for. Between being hunted by his own
people and mercilessly persecuted by surface dwellers, he is
a survivor. He does not blame the world for its prejudices,
and instead seeks to prove himself through his actions
hoping that someday his own reputation would precede that of
his race. The selflessness, purity, intensity, and sincerity
of his moral strength in the face of adversity is a
beautiful thing to behold. Drizzt also gets major brownie
points for having befriended a magical black panther, which
is of huge importance to me.
Links: Drizzt
Do'Urden's Corner, Drizzt
Do'Urden, A
Drizzit, Innocence,
Drizzt vs
Zaknafein, Best
of the Best All-Stars List
Song I Associate With Him: "Less than a
Pearl" by Enya |
2 |
Looks |
Power |
Melee |
Attitude |
Blood |
3.8 |
third son of the ancient Matron Baenre, once sacrificed to
the spider goddess Lolth by his mother and siblings, now
leads a powerful mercenary band called the Bregan D'aerthe
made entirely of males (make of that
what you will). Jarlaxle himself
wears a wide brimmed hat with a large feather atop his
bald head, a cloak of many dazzling colors, a wide
selection of jewelry, and does everything with a playful
sense of style. His favorite hobby is collecting
magical trinkets so he always has a plethora of tricks up
his sleeve to befuddle the shrewdest enemy. Clever,
charming, manipulative, and well-versed in the ways of the
drow, Jarlaxle is a strategic genius in both politics and
battle who holds himself to an admirable standard of honor
even while dancing around plots to bring him down. Though
typically not interested in anyone unless they are useful
to him, Jarlaxle has been friends with Zaknafein Do'Urden
and has taken a particular liking to Artemis Entreri.
Links: Jarlaxle
Baenre, Drizzt
Do'Urden's Corner, Favorite
Pairings List |
3 |
Looks |
Power |
Melee |
Attitude |
Blood |
3.8 |
love Dinin, the way he gets dominated and beaten into
submission by every female in a ten foot radius is just so
adorable! The scheming, backstabbing coward that he is,
Dinin murdered his own older brother to become Elderboy of
House Do'Urden. He is a smart one and knows his limits -
when to strike and when to kiss ass. He will play all
sides and choose the victor. Dinin is first and foremost a
survivor, well aware of his vulnerable mortality and
always willing to sacrifice his dignity to stay alive. He
is the only one in his family to realize that hunting after Drizzt Do'Urden
after it has cost them lives and sanity is probably not a good idea. Jarlaxle recognized
Dinin's usefulness when he spared him
during the fall of House Do'Urden and made him a Lieutenant
in his harem
band of mercenaries. Unfortunately, Dinin grew a bit of a
backbone by then and challenged the opinion of his crazed sister Vierna who
promptly turned him into a drider.
Links: Dinin
Do'Urden, Drizzt
Do'Urden's Corner |
4 |
Looks |
Power |
Melee |
Attitude |
Blood |
4.4 |
Armed with insolent
wit and a wicked sense of humor, Zaknafein bore no love for his people or
their spider goddess Lolth. He had always felt alone and trapped in a
hostile world he lacked the courage to escape. Zak found an outlet for his
frustration by becoming the peerless Weaponmaster of House Do'Urden and
taking out his rage by slaughtering drow in combat. Matron Malice also kept
him around because his incredible dexterity was not
limited to the battlefield. *hint hint* *nudge nudge*
Indeed, he fathered Drizzt and made his son's martial skills flower under
his tutelage. He saw in Drizzt a like-minded companion and sought to keep
him innocent of their race's ways. Twenty years and an ill-fated
misunderstanding later, Zaknafein willingly laid down his life so that his
son would be spared Lolth's wrath and be free to do what his father could
only dream of.
Links: Drizzt
vs Zaknafein, Drizzt
Do'Urden's Corner |
5 |
Looks |
Power |
Melee |
Attitude |
Blood |
3.2 |
Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy)
Though he claimed to
be an out of work actor from the town of Guildford, he was actually an alien
from a small planet somewhere in the vicinity of Betelgeuse and "Ford
Prefect" was not his real name. Ford was an editor stationed on Earth
(for far too long) to expand the planet's entry in the Hitchhiker's Guide to
the Galaxy. Indeed, whereas it was originally described as
"Harmless," Ford had revised it to say "Mostly
harmless." Not that it really mattered since the Earth was soon
destroyed by a Vogon construction fleet to make way for an interstellar
bypass. Ford is intelligent, resourceful, selfish, but well-meaning most of
the time. He has little understanding of human emotion, little patience for
human stupidity, and would trust his towel over his best friend.
Related Links:
The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
6 |
Looks |
Power |
Melee |
Attitude |
Blood |
3.4 |
of the Rings)
Frodo wasn't your
typical hobbit. He daydreamt about adventure, was learned in foreign
languages/cultures, and was even described to have elven features. He
idolized his eccentric uncle, but got more than he bargained for when he
inherited Bilbo's magic ring of invisibility. Err, did I say invisibility? I
meant the "One Ring to rule them all, One Ring to find them, One Ring
to bring them all and in the darkness bind them." But wait! There's a
catch! The ring also corrupts and tortures the one who bears it, always
trying to get back to its true master. So now Frodo had every servant of the
Enemy looking for him on foot, hoof, and wing while he trekked across
Middle-earth into the heart of said Enemy's stronghold to destroy the damn
thing. Against all odds (and thanks to the help of his gardener, Sam), Frodo
got the job done (well, technically Gollum does, but never mind), losing
only a finger... and what's left of his sanity. And that's what I love about
Frodo: the deep, lingering pain that clings to your heart even after its
cause is long gone.
Links: 2 Hobbits 1
Ring, Favorite Pairings List
7 |
Looks |
Power |
Melee |
Attitude |
Blood |
3.2 |
of the Rings)
There's just
something incredibly alluring about a little hairy-footed man who's so
docile and innocent for most of the story and then snaps and goes berserk on
a gigantic spider. That's Sam for you. Loyal, trusty Sam. Like most hobbits,
Sam is content with the simple things in life: he loves animals, plants, and
cooking. For most of the story, he defines himself through his servile
relationship to Frodo. But somewhere along the way there's a moment so
subtle that Sam himself doesn't realize it. It is the moment when he stops
being a servant and becomes a friend, and then shifts to having the upper
hand in the relationship. When Frodo becomes too weak to function, Sam
becomes the protector, the provider, and the one to make sure their mission
doesn't fail. And thus from a simple gardener emerges a valiant hero, but
one who never thinks to abuse the power he has gained.
Links: 2 Hobbits 1
Ring, Favorite Pairings List
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Top 5
Superhero Guys List
This may as well be
called the favorite Marvel
characters list. I don't read many American comics (I find
Japanese manga vastly superior in character development and
design), but nearly every superhero I find in any way appealing is
from Marvel. They seem to have the most diverse array of powers
and the most colorful cast of characters. I don't like Superman,
he's too perfect (read: boring). Marvel characters tend to have
flaws and quirks that make them admirable and interesting. As it
stands, this list was created mainly for Wolverine, so everybody
else's descriptions are more of an afterthought...
TRAITS RATING SYSTEM________________________
A visual map of how the 5 categories from What
I Look For In A Focus break down for each character.
Since how much I like a character has more to do with the
overall chemistry between these qualities than direct
numbers, these graphs are very unreliable predictors of
rank, but fun to look at nonetheless. Crowns correspond to
scoring maximum on attributes:
Looks, :
Power, :
Melee, :
Attitude (Single-minded), :
Attitude (Complex), :
Blood (Invulnerable), :
Blood (Vulnerable) |
1 |





















(X-men) Born
and raised in Canada, Wolverine has gone through many flavors of
hell throughout his life. His own mother called him a monster
and chased him out of the house before blowing her brains out,
so suffice to say he had a troubled childhood. Wolvie houses three deadly claws in each of his
forearms that stab
out between his knuckles, rending through skin and flesh every
single time. But though he feels pain, his "healing factor"
quickly regenerates his wounds,
knitting back damaged tissue in a matter of minutes, hours, or a
few days at the most. He has heightened senses of hearing and
smell, allowing him to track down targets with incredible
precision. These qualities combine to make Wolverine one of the
most dangerous mutants in the world. This fact did not elude the
Canadian military, who put him through experiments to lace his skeleton with
a pseudo-indestructible metal called adamantium. They tried to
beat and brainwash all semblance of humanity out of him in their
efforts to create the perfect weapon, and felt his wrath when their
perfect weapon turned against them. Lets just say you do not
want to make Wolverine angry. He was left with nothing but
an army dogtag to tell him who he is, and spends the rest of his
life searching for his past. Related
Links: Obsession
Is A Beautiful Thing, You Might Be
Obsessed With Wolverine If..., Anime Wolverine
Song I Associate With Him: "More Human Than
Human" by Rob
Zombie |
2 |


















(Spiderman) I
always liked Spiderman - the cartoons, the movies - I never read
his comics, but his image, his powers, his acrobatics have
always fascinated me. I like spiders (as long as they stay a
safe distance from me). Spiderman can walk on walls, shoot webs
out of his wrists and swing on them amidst the skyscrapers of
New York City. He has somehow made it past the steroids
screening that all male superheroes are required to test
positive for, and as such retains the slender form of a healthy
human being. I like him because he is more vulnerable than your
average superhero, and gets knocked out, gassed, and tied up on
a regular basis. Though he is skilled at hand to hand, he tends
to rely on strategy and stealth over brute force. |
3 |





















(X-men) Gambit's
ability is to charge up and detonate objects with his hands,
which helped him become quite the accomplished thief in his
hometown of New Orleans. His weapons of choice are his trademark
playing cards that he flings into the heat of battle. Even after
he joins the X-men, Gambit remains somewhat of a shady character
- not easy to trust and not trusting easily. He loves gambling,
is good with a staff, has a very cute Cajun accent, and is
attracted to Rogue. He is also refreshingly pretty for a
superhero. |
4 |




















(X-men) Another
hero who managed to sneak past the mandatory steroids test,
Nightcrawler is a lithe and dexterous creature with blue skin
and a pointy tail. His key
powers are his superhuman agility and his ability to teleport in
a puff of smoke (*BAMPH*). Raised in the circus and ridiculed by
the masses for his demonic appearance, Nightcrawler remains a
cheerful, sweet, and fun-loving character with an endearing
sense of humor. He is a devout Catholic and at one point almost
becomes a priest. |
5 |
















(X-men) I
have a hard time explaining this one. I didn't like him in the
movies, I didn't like him in the cartoons, and I probably
wouldn't like him in the oldschool comics, either. But in Ultimate
X-men, Professor X is younger, hotter, more stylish, with a
hint of subtle manipulation over his followers. He has a
brilliant mind enhanced by his vast telepathic abilities which
he intends to use towards a future where humans and mutants live
in harmony. In Ultimate X-men he is portrayed as an emotionally
distant and irresponsible father who cares more about his ideals
than the people around him. |
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Might Be Obsessed With Wolverine If... |
You suddenly find yourself strangely attracted to hairy
Canadian men.
9) You pay $5 for a Wolverine pin you didn't want for free
before X-men.
8) You pay $300 more for several years' worth of X-men
7) You saw X-men in the theaters...
6) least 7 times...
5) your Wolverine T-shirt...
4) ...calling a Wolverine action figure your date.
3) You think Wolverine's claws are the sexiest thing in the
2) You make Wolverine's claws from common household items
and run around terrorizing friends and coworkers.
1) You want Wolverine's claws surgically implanted into your
arms, bloody agony and all.
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All artwork, characters, stories, and books are Copyright their
respective owners. They are NOT of my making.