Force - Episode 18 - Trust And Triumph (Yaoi style) |
Nadira is
robbing a bank and the Time Force Rangers are all meticulously
positioned to apprehend her when... the Silver Guardians arrive! |

Wes gets
distracted and grumbles, "Oh no, those guys are gonna ruin
After all...
...how could he be protecting/thinking about Eric and remember
the plan at the same time?? |

Wes tiptoes over to Eric.
"Eric, we're in the middle of a plan! You've gotta
pull your team back!"
ERIC: "Sorry, we've got a job to do
here." |
Wes already strayed from
his assigned position to talk to Eric, but he tries to follow
the plan anyway, gets disoriented, and fails miserably. |
"What happened?! You were supposed to cover this
WES: "Eric and the Guardians... they-"
JEN: "Just save it! Lets go. *storms
WES: "Guys! Wait, I-" |
stares at him like WTF, man??
ERIC: "Nice
work, Wes."
Having embarrassed
himself in front of Eric, Wes lowers his head and walks away.
- Episode 18
to Wes x Eric
to Quantum Power
back to Voices
DISCLAIMER: All pictures,
characters, and stories are Copyright their
respective owners. They are NOT of my making and, to the best of
my knowledge, they are not gay. No copyright infringement is intended. |