Force - Episode 19 - Trip Takes a Stand (Yaoi style) |
Wes and company are
searching for Trip and his mutant friend when the Silver
Guardians arrive. |

"Eric... >.<"
ERIC: "Going somewhere?"
WES: "Yeah, we are... what's it to
ERIC: "Your friend's hiding a mutant, and I
wanna know where he is!" |

When Eric finally does find
the mutant, he doesn't much care that Trip is blocking his shot.
Wes jumps in and deflects the blast away from Trip.
"What are you doing, Wes?!" |
WES: |
"I'm not gonna let you destroy him! You
almost hit Trip!" |
"Then you should've kept him outta my
way! Nothing's
gonna stop me from getting that mutant!" |
Oooh, is
someone jealous?!

Eric asserts dominance!
"I'm only gonna say this once." |
WES: |
"Then say it!" |
"I've got a mission to do, and anyone
that gets in my way is gonna be sorry...
*flex fist* including you!" |
So there IS something
special about Wes, isn't there?
Eric makes sure Wes knows he's serious by saying their special
relationship won't save him.

There they are in each other's
face again...
...too bad they can't kiss through their helmets.
"Am I making myself clear to you?" |

It seems Eric is preeetty
irked about Wes defending Trip! He takes advantage of Wes
being distracted from dreamily gazing into his visor and beats the crap out of him.
ERIC: "Don't
make the mistake of crossing me again!"
...especially by
protecting green-haired prettyboys!!
Stern warning from Eric
in case Wes forgot his place in their relationship.
he finally comes upon Trip and the friendly mutant, Trip steps
in to defend it.
(cue gratuitous pic of TRIP! ...because he's pretty)
Eric shoots!... |
ERIC: "You're
in luck. There must be something wrong with this thing..."
Eric is showing signs of
softening up.
He even helps out by using the Q-Rex to hold the mutant in place
so the Time Force Rangers can freeze it without hurting it.
got lucky this time, but the next time a mutant attacks,
you better stay out of the Guardians' way... Or we'll
run right
over you! |
guy's MEAN!!" |
he's not! I saw how he really feels inside.
He's lonely! He only acts mean to hide it." |
Wes watches Eric drive away, he contemplates... .oO(Eric...
lonely?..... hm.)
Geewhiz, I wonder what
you can do about that!! XD |
- Episode 19
to Wes x Eric
to Quantum Power
back to Voices
DISCLAIMER: All pictures,
characters, and stories are Copyright their
respective owners. They are NOT of my making and, to the best of
my knowledge, they are not gay. No copyright infringement is intended. |