...Geryon (mission 12) | |
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There are two parts to this fight,
and equipping a weapon with the Air Hike ability is a must for both of
them. PART 1: The Bridge You first meet Geryon atop a long bridge rimmed with blue flame. He will gallop back and forth across the bridge, trampling anything in his path - so get out of his way! Air Hike as he rumbles past and shoot him from overhead with Ebony & Ivory, both to damage him and to stay in the air. This might take a bit, but it will wear him down and keep you safe. If you see him come to a screeching halt and stand there aimlessly, charge him and attack him directly with your close range weapons. When he shows signs of revival, jump again and keep shooting. Eventually the bridge will collapse and both of you will be thrust down to the Coliseum below. |
PART 2: The Coliseum This is where the fight truly begins. Geryon will gallop along the rim of the amphitheater, shooting Firecracker Missiles at you out of his carriage. If you run along with him and don't break pace, you should be able to avoid them. Otherwise, jump away from them. Geryon will often disappear from sight behind the Coliseum only to reappear charging at you from one of the gates. Keep your aim on him (L2) to track where he is at all times, Air Hike over him and shoot as he runs past. Soon he will begin to surround you with arrows and Time Slow Orbs during his rounds. Evade the arrows and take extra care to jump over the orbs. They move slow, but they surround you and steadily close in. If you get hit by one of them, you will move at a fraction of your normal speed, which will make dodging Geryon's missiles that much more difficult. Jump to the side instead of overhead to avoid getting trampled by his charges. Sooner of later Geryon will stop in the middle of the arena and appear to zone out. Rush in at him, jump on top of his carriage, Devil Trigger, and hack away. Sometimes he will rear up and cast Blue Flame Wave first. Leap over the pillars of fire and secure a place on top of the carriage. Stay on it and ride him even as Geryon wakes up and begins galloping along the outer rim again (it's fun!). You will get thrown off whenever he decides to disappear into a gate again. You could also attack him directly when he freezes up instead of going for the safety of his carriage. If you cause the right amount of damage, Geryon will collapse from the trauma and you can continue hitting him even harder. You can potentially keep knocking him out like this indefinitely. Galloping Charge: Greyon will charge straight at you, hoping to crush you under his hooves. Air Hike and shoot him from overhead. Firecracker Missiles: Greyon will gallop along the outer edge of the Coliseum shooting series of explosive firecrackers at your feet. Stay mobile to outrun them or jump away from them. Arrows/Spears: Greyon sends metallic arrows that surround and stab at you. Jump over them. Time Slow Orbs: Greyon casts a swarm of time distortion orbs that surround you and steadily close in. They slow your movement to a fraction of normal speed and hinder your reaction time. Jump away to avoid them or, if you get hit, be extra alert to danger. Blue Flame Wave: Greyon will stop in place, rear up, and send pillars of scorching blue flame out from himself in all directions. Jump over them. Carriage Spin: Greyon will spin in place in his attempt to knock you away from himself with his carriage. Jump over it. back to bosses list back to DMC page
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