I Look For In
A Focus |
order to spark and keep my interest in a show/movie/book, I need a
focus character(s) to care about. While a good story can
be enough to hold my attention in its own right, a good
character can make me care about the most mediocre of
stories so long as I view plot developments from his
perspective. Here are some qualities that most of my
focuses have in common: |
Pretty: |
Before I know anything about a
character, their appearance is the obvious first thing to
attract my attention. Ideally they should be slender,
graceful, and androgynous-looking. Hair must be long and
silky or shorter and fluffy. Either way, it must be
capable of dramatically swaying in the wind. Black, white,
and silver hair is ideal; blue and violet are pretty good;
red and orange are acceptable; blond, green, and pink rank
very low. I also look for characters that contrast with
themselves: dark hair with light skin (Sasuke, Orochimaru,
Soujirou), light hair with dark skin (Dark Schneider,
Do'Urden); or with their surroundings: icy pale against normal
backgrounds (Griffith, Sesshoumaru, Dio) or dark
shadows against light backgrounds (uhh... Lucifer in
Heaven?). Eyes with slit pupils are very nice. |
Supernatural: |
I ideally go for daemons
(Xelloss, Hiei, Sesshoumaru), angels (Lucifer, Michael), deities
(Lucifer? Kaname? shinigami?), and immortals (Manji,
Taikoubou). When I do focus on a human, they
typically either have supernatural powers (Ichigo, Kamui,
Itsuki) or have cast down their humanity (Soujirou,
Griffith, Aya). What this amounts to is that I
typically look for powerful characters, and I prefer raw,
innate talent that can be perfected instead of years of
training from scratch. Glowing eyes and impressive battle
auras are a plus. One thing is for sure, though, the
characters have to be organic. Meaning, no robots,
androids, mecha, artificial intelligence, or being
otherwise spawned from technology. |
Fighter: |
I favor melee over casters, close combat over
range, and speed/skill/agility over brute
strength/size/armor. You have to spend ample time in the
heat of battle and get up close and personal with your
enemy to get any respect from me. Swords, daggers,
hand-to-hand are all good, but wielding katanas is ideal,
and the more the better. If you simply must cast a spell,
the only acceptable excuses are: (1) complement to your
melee abilities, (2) point blank range, (3) innate
demonic/angelic/divine ability, (4) huge spell of mass destruction, and (5) looking pretty. Although overt
displays of power through hack'n'slash is enough to
impress me, knowing your limits and using strategy can set
you apart from the rest. Being adept in the ninja arts of
diversion, deception, stealth, and assassination is a
plus. |
Attitude: |
A distinct personality is perhaps the most
important factor in the long run. The more aspects a
character has for me to explore, the more intricate their
psychology, the more complicated their motivations, the
more fascinating they become. Under this category go
characters with various incarnations (Lucifer, Setsuna),
several forms (Kurama, Kiba), and multiple natures (Ichigo,
Xelloss, Zelgadis). Alternately, I admire characters that
discipline themselves to personify the purity of one quality to the
fullest, typically for a cause greater than themselves (Soujirou,
Sasuke, Aya). Stoic, determined, icy loners
who reveal their sensitive side only to a select few are
my standard favorites. Being a tad unstable helps, you simply must
have the capacity to snap and go berserk on people, and you can
never have too much angst. Characters that act counter to
their stereotype also get my attention: big, arrogant
brutes are as redundant as small, helpless weaklings, but
a little guy who is constantly underestimated yet is
lethal when provoked is much more interesting. Any character that is exclusively cutesy,
cheerful, social, pacifistic, hesitant, drowning in
emotions or sidetracked by popular morality annoys the
hell out of me.
In/Vulnerable: |
a character to keep my attention
they have to either bleed a lot (Kurama, Renji, Kamui) or be virtually invincible
(Hiei, Soujirou, Anotsu), preferably both (Ichigo, Lucifer,
Manji). I
fully expect my focuses to be formidable opponents and
wreak havoc on their enemies, but unless they themselves
are in constant and immanent peril it is hard for me to
give a damn. Nothing conveys a sense of danger like being
tied up, cut up, blown up, beat up, tortured, and
generally leaking, spraying, or being soaked in red stuff.
It's not that I like to see my favorite characters hurt,
it's that I like to worry about them when they do. It
creates an intense high that amplifies my caring about a
character tenfold, and has been known to elevate otherwise
negligible characters to the level of a focus. Call it a
twisted maternal instinct, if you will. |
all is said and done, how I decide my focuses is a rather
spontaneous process where there are exceptions to every
rule. Random observation: I never saw a single anime guy
with "maru" in their name that I didn't like (Ichimaru,
Sesshoumaru, Shikamaru, Orochimaru, Kimimaru, and
counting). |
Traits Rating System
BLOOD("In/Vulnerable") |
1: |
perfect dodger (counts as 5) |
2: |
not in combat
enough to tell and/or typically avoids injury |
3: |
gets beat up now and
then |
4: |
has been through at least two major injuries/coma/torture
(mental or physical) |
5: |
bleeds geysers in every fight and comes back for
more |
"Untouchable" - awarded to those that score a 1
"Blood King/Queen" - awarded to those that score a 5