TRAITS RATING SYSTEM________________________ A visual map of how the 5 categories from What
I Look For In A Focus break down for each character.
Since how much I like a character has more to do with the
overall chemistry between these qualities than direct
numbers, these graphs are very unreliable predictors of
rank, but fun to look at nonetheless. Crowns correspond to
scoring maximum on attributes: :
Looks, :
Power, :
Melee, :
Attitude (Single-minded), :
Attitude (Complex), :
Blood (Invulnerable), :
Blood (Vulnerable)
The Son
of the Legendary Dark Knight Sparda does not cower before
giant pyro-kinetic spiders, armored guys with big swords,
lightning-spewing hellbirds, or shapeshifting sabertooth
shadows. He has passed through the bowels of Hell and survived
numerous impalings by various sharp objects.* If evolution is
the survival of the fittest, you can rest assured your genes
will endure if you mate with this man.
results may vary when controlled by human player.
Mortal Kombat forum name isn't MrsNoobSaibot for nothing. :P His
fascinating backstory is only surpassed by his unique moves
and ruthless personality. I must admit I feel a kinship with
his shadowy Netherworld origins. The fact that he's in a black
jumpsuit is aesthetically slimming, and the mask leaves room
for the imagination. ^_~
Like I
say... I might be married to Noob Saibot, but I'm having an
affair with Kilik. His weapon of choice is the bo
staff, which he wields with breathtaking dexterity. His moves flow together well
and are very intuitive, he has a long range but can hold his
own up close, too. Although I tend to gravitate toward
speed-demons, Kilik is fast enough, graceful, and damn pretty
to look at. It's also cute to hear him make comments about his
In the
course of his travels, the nameless Prince has acquired powers
over the flow of time itself, becoming capable of rewinding
even his own death! (which is very useful when stepping on too
many spikes... ouch... ahahehe >_>) He's charming, he's
funny, he's very, very flexible, and it's absolutely adorable
when he says "I'm ok!" even if he has barely visible
Link, because *insert-random-Final-Fantasy-bishounen-here*
seemed too vague to occupy a spot on the list. And besides,
I've always loved Link... or, as I used to call him, Zelda.
I've never played Zelda, but Link's magnetism transcends such
petty details. He simply kicks ass and he looks good doing it.