Time Force - Episode 16 - Bodyguard In Blue (Yaoi style)

After Bio Lab's scientist is rescued and the Siver Guardians are about to leave, Eric does stop and turn around to give Wes a civil nod of acknowledgment...

...and perhaps even the hint of a smile?

They next meet on the battlefield, as Time Force's Megazord squares off against yet another giant mutant. They're having a bit of a rough time, but nothing immediately life-threatning.

Suddenly, Eric steps in and sics his Quantasaurus Rex on the giant mutant.

ERIC: "Looks like I have to bail you out again!... You're lucky I was on top of this!"
KATIE: "Hey, we could've called if we needed you!"
ERIC: "Riiiight..... just stay out of my way!"
WES: "Eric, be careful!"
ERIC: "I know what I'm doing!!"
Eric totally Kill-Steals that mutant!! XD

True, when Eric came in, the Time Force Megazord was on the floor, but I'm not sure if I can really count this as Eric saving Wes. I think it was more a gratuitous display of power aimed at Wes - to send a message that even though Wes retained leadership of the Power Rangers, Eric is stronger than ever. 

TF - Episode 16
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