Saints of Cancer
To face the Cancer Saints is to walk the
thin line between life and death. They are terrifying opponents
indeed, for their power is wielded directly over the soul.
Deathmask is the Cancer Saint of modern times in the original
Saint Seiya, Manigoldo is the Cancer Saint of the 18th century
in Lost Canvas, then Sage and Hakurei are the Cancer Saints of the 16th century
in Lost Canvas.
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Cancer Deathmask
Deathmask probably gets his
name from the
countless tortured faces decorating his temple. Be
they warriors or civilians - men, women, or children -
kills any who stand in his way and adds them to his
collection. Their cries of agony are a testament to his
strength. |
Yes, Deathmask is a creepy, creepy guy! He
doesn't believe in a moral reality
of justice, |
even in morality itself. Throughout history it |
the victors who determine what's right and wrong. The |
only absolute is power, and Deathmask seeks to amass as |
much of it as possible. He is a ruthless and sadistic
fighter |
who loves to play with his victims. When he was fighting |
Dragon Shiryuu, he even pushed his girlfriend off a |
cliff from many miles away. But he picked the
wrong person to mess with this time. Shiryuu
went berserk and backed Deathmask into |
corner. Faced with a Saint that so |
admirably embodied the ideals of love |
and justice, his Cancer armor rejected
him and left him exposed. |
Cancer Manigoldo
Manigoldo grew up surrounded by death,
lost spirits as his only friends. It was hard for him
to see value in human
life, fleeting and fragile as it
was, so when Pope Sage found him huddled in the ruins
ruins of a village, the first thing he did was lash out
at |
the elder with a knife.
But Sage saw great potential in this |
boy, and adopted him as
his only student. Manigoldo was taken |
to Sanctuary, where he was trained as a
Saint and earned
the right to wear his Master's Gold Cancer armor.
The endless death that haunted him
as a child left him with a grudge
against the god of death, Thanatos, and when the Holy War gave
him the opportunity to face him he took it. He stormed the god's
private castle and challenged Thanatos, but Sage arrived with
Athena's blood seals and saved his arrogant pupil. Manigoldo
decided this was the time to repay Sage for giving his life
meaning. He protected his Master with everything he
had, and was happy to get a good punch in on
Thanatos before taking the god's current
body with him into oblivion.
Cancer Sage
Sage fought in the 16th century Holy War
alongside his brother Hakurei. They had to watch
most of their friends die, and although both him and his
brother survived, Sage never quite got over how powerless
he felt against the might of the gods. Sage became Pope after
the war, and watched over Sanctuary for 200 years. He took in
the orphan Manigoldo and trained him to be his successor as
Saint. He even stopped an attempted coup by Gemini Aspros. But
greatest challenge came when he had to face a god once again.
He followed the Cosmo of the death god,
Thanatos, and interfered
before he could destroy Manigoldo. But when protective blood
of Athena ran out, both Master and Student were left exposed to
the god's power. Manigoldo sacrificed himself to give Sage an
advantage over Thanatos, and Sage once again felt the utter
despair at being unable to save a loved one, but this time
he was one step ahead of the gods. He used the Altar
armor of Hakurei, which him and his brother had
been strengthening for over 200 years,
to seal away the god of death.
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Cancer Hakurei
Hakurei is technically the
Silver Saint of the
Altar (Ara)
constellation, but that's only because |
he gave his Gold Cancer
armor to his brother Sage. He |
also abdicated his claim
to the Papacy to Sage, and went |
to live in the mountains
of Jamir. There he trained his four |
disciples: Shion,
Yuzuriha, Tokusa, and Alta. It is only when |
he felt that Sagittarius Sisyphus
went missing that Hakurei, |
the Elder of Jamir, returned to
Sanctuary, and together with |
his brother decided that it was time
to deal with the twin gods |
Thanatos and Hypnos. After Sage gave
his life to seal away |
Thanatos, Hakurei quietly took over
his role as Pope, but |
Athena's Saints could do little so
long as the barrier |
over Hades' castle remained. Hakurei,
armed with |
a sacred sword, went to dismantle
this barrier |
and was met by Hypnos, the god of
sleep. It |
was then that Hakurei invoked his
power |
as a Cancer Saint, summoning the
souls |
of his fallen comrades from the last
Holy War to overwhelm Hypnos
and seal him away as well. |
Cancer Techniques |
Balls of
Cancer glows with a golden aura and lets
loose a barrage of lightning-fast attacks. They appear as balls
of light, but have the effect of strong hits. Deathmask used
this move in the anime while moving at the speed of light, so
they may be punches delivered at the speed of light. He could
even do this while running in circles around Shiryuu. |
Cancer is capable of both short-range and
long-range psychokinesis, which Deathmask uses to levitate
himself, push Shiryuu into walls, and even throw his girlfriend
off a cliff hundreds of miles away. |
Meikai Ha
(Praesepe Underworld Waves)
Praesepe, or the Beehive Cluster, is an
open cluster in the constellation of Cancer. In China this
cluster is known as "Tseih She Ke," literally translating as
"Breath of the Dead" (the stench of corpses), and is associated
with the underworld. "Sekishiki" is the Japanese name for it,
and so Cancer's ability is to separate his opponent's soul
from their body and send it to Yomotsu Hirasaka,
the gateway to the underworld in Japanese mythology.
Those sent
to Yomotsu Hirasaka by Cancer find themselves drained of nearly
all strength and can't return to the world of the living without
divine help. Cancer, on the other hand, can travel freely to and
from this doorstep of death and suffers no ill
effects in the transition. He likes fighting on those terms. But
not even Cancer can come back once the threshold of Yomotsu
Hirasaka is crossed. The only path past its dreaded caldera
leads to the underworld. |
(Praesepe Demonic Blue Flames)
Manigoldo summons the Ignis Fatuus, blue
flames that burn by feeding on others' souls, and sends them to
incinerate the soul of his opponent. Whether they are embodied
or not, immortal or not, they can not escape the power of
the soul-devouring fire. |
Konsou Ha
(Praesepe Soul Burial Waves)
This technique takes advantage of any
spirits nearby and makes their souls explode. The magnitude of
the explosion is proportional to the strength of the spirits
themselves. Manigoldo uses this to counter Thanatos' Tartarus
Phobia. |
Tenryou Ha
(Praesepe Celestial Waves)
Hakurei used the Meikai Ha (Underworld
Waves) to summon the souls of Saints from the 16th century Holy
War, and even added his own, in order to seal the god Hypnos. |
In his fight against Naru Veronica,
Manigoldo locked her flies in these bubbles and then crushed
them with a snap of his fingers, destroying the insects inside.
It may be a lesser version of Sekishiki Kiousen. |
Named after a star in the southern claw of
the Cancer constellation, this is Manigoldo's melee attack, in
which he imitates a crab's pincers by using both legs to cut his
opponent in half. |
The Zodiac constellations have long bathed
in the light of the Sun, and the Gold armors that represent them
have absorbed an infinite amount of sunlight. To perform this
incredible blast of energy, all the Gold Saints focus their
Cosmo into the tip of Sagittarius' arrow, thereby fusing their
powers as one. |
This attack was
used to break through the Wailing Wall by bringing the full
intensity of a star into the darkest depths of Hell. Although it
is said that Athena Exclamation has the force of the Big Bang,
Supernova is undoubtedly more powerful, since it utilizes the
combined strength of twelve Gold Saints instead of three. It
instantly disintegrates everything in its vicinity, including
those who cast it, and sends waves of devastation rippling