Virgo Techniques |
Storing Cosmo*
People in the series are told to beware of
Shaka opening his eyes. This is because when Shaka's eyes are
closed (and they normally are) he is actually in conservation
mode, accumulating Cosmo that would otherwise by used by this
sense. When his eyes open, this stored up Cosmo is released,
allowing Shaka to maximize his most powerful attacks. Asmita, on
the other hand, is actually blind, and keeps his eyes closed to
maximize his other senses. Still, his power does heighten when
he opens them, as demonstrated by him opening his eyes to
charge the Holy Rosary of 108 Beads. |
Virgo utters the mantra "Om," the
primordial sound of the universe, to focus himself and amplify
his Cosmo energy. In meditation practice this mantra is chanted
to stimulate the
Third Eye (Ajna) chakra, which represents intuitive
perception and self-mastery. |
Virgo utters the mantra "Kaan" to erect a
psychic barrier and shield himself from attacks. This can also
reflect the attacks back to the aggressor. The "Kaan" mantra
(more commonly known as "Haam") invokes the Buddhist deity
Acalanatha, whose name means "Immovable." His flames purify
evil and delusion, so as long as they burn inside Virgo, he
can't be harmed. |
This is another defensive technique,
although it could easily turn offensive. Virgo creates a ball of
light using air pressure to repel an attack. He can also expand
this pressure to crush whatever it envelops, or release the
pressure to blow an opponent away. |
Tenpou Rin In
Virgo makes the gesture of Dharmachakra
Mudra, symbolizing the turning of the wheel (chakra) of cosmic
law (dharma), in order to clear his mind of all doubts that
might hold him back during battle. |
Virgo's unmatched levels of meditative
concentration give him a vast array of mental powers, including
the ability to manifest vivid illusions of whatever he pleases.
He is also immune to mental attacks from others. |
Buddha's Palm*
Virgo can contain targets through this
spatial illusion. They may travel and run for what they believe
are great distances, when in fact they remain inside the
infinite palm of the Buddha.
This is a reference to the parable about
Sun Wukong (Son Goku in Japanese), the Monkey King. When the
Buddha made a bet with him that Sun Wukong couldn't escape from
his palm, Sun Wukong, who was known for being able to travel
hundreds of miles in one leap, agreed. And so Sun Wukong ran
until he hit upon five pillars which he thought were the end of
the universe. He marked his presence there and ran all the way
back, only to discover that the pillars he had marked were
actually the five fingers of the Buddha's hand. |
Holy Rosary of 108 Beads*
As the god of the Underworld, Hades is
able to resurrect his Specter soldiers no matter how many times
they are killed. But Athena has her own secret weapon.
Sanctified by Asmita and wielded by Shaka, it is a holy rosary
strewn together from the fruits of the mokurenji tree found deep
in the Underwold. Its 108 beads match the number of Specters in
Hades' army. This rosary seals their souls and prevents them
from being brought back to life, thereby leveling the playing
field between Athena and Hades. Every time a Specter dies, its
corresponding bead turns black. |
Virgo is able to manipulate physical
objects with his mind, which includes levitating himself,
shattering his opponent's armor, and draining their Cosmo to
cause paralysis. |
Close Range Blast*
Virgo can hit his opponent with this quick
but deadly energy blast which he dispenses through direct
contact via his palm. |
Tenma Koufuku
(Demon Pacification)
This is an incredibly powerful blast of
Cosmo that Virgo could radiate locally or send after targets
over a distance. It's is usually preceded by a centering
technique such as Om, and its execution is often accompanied by
splashes of scenery from Buddhism's heavens and hells. Sometimes
the imagery could be of Virgo on the ocean floor surrounded by
skulls, followed by a laughing woman on a horse. But perhaps the
most beautiful preparation for this attack is from the Hades
OVA, where the accumulation and expansion of Virgo's Cosmo is
represented by the unfurling of a radiant lotus flower.
Tenkuuhaja Chimimouryou
Supremacy over Evil Spirits of Rivers and Mountains)
The Chimimouryou are malevolent spirits
that haunt Japan's rivers and mountains, prey on the souls of
both the living and the dead. Virgo is able to assert dominion
over them and command them to attack his enemies. |
(Six Paths of Transmigration)
Virgo sends an opponent to one of the six
Samsara, or Buddhist realms of rebirth, according to their
Jigokukai: the realm of Hell. Fire seas, blood lakes, and
needle mountains. Those who dwell here suffer endless agony.
Gakikai: the realm of
Hungry Ghosts. Those who dwell here
are thin as a rake, with a bulging stomach. They hunger and
thirst forever, even eating rotten meat. It's a realm for those
who are very greedy.
Chikushoukai: the realm of Beasts. This is a realm for those
who are animalistic, where the law of the jungle rules.
Shurakai: the realm of the warring
Ashura. Blood and
slaughtering. Never being allowed to rest, but always fighting
other people, every day.
Jinkai: the realm of humans. Happiness, anger, grief, and
joy. Those who dwell in this unstable world are tortured by
extremes of feeling.
Tenkai: the realm of Heaven. Though it's called
Heaven, it's the most dangerous of the realms, because at any
time one can fall back into the lower realms.
The lingering power of Rikudou Rinne can also send Virgo's
opponent to
Sai no Kawara, a riverbank in the netherworld where children
who died prematurely go for causing grief to their parents. They
build little towers using the pebbles they find there as a form
of prayer, but demons keep coming to destroy these. |
Tenbu Hourin
(Heavenly Dancing Treasure Wheel)
This is Virgo's most powerful attack and
invariably involves him opening his eyes. As both an offensive
and defensive technique, it incapacitates Virgo's opponents and
leaves them completely at his mercy. It is based on the Buddhist
understanding of reality, where the mortal senses (Five
Aggregates) are treated as hindrances to the perception of
ultimate truth. In this way Tenbu Hourin can be linked to the
Heart (of Wisdom) Sutra. And so, at Virgo's command, Tenbu Hourin strips
his victims of touch, taste, sight, hearing, smell, and even the
6th sense of the mind, leaving behind a living corpse. Unless,
of course, they are able to transcend this and achieve the 7th
sense. |
Although Buddhism universally acknowledges
six types of consciousness (the senses of sight, hearing, smell,
taste, touch, and mind), the
Yogacara school of Buddhism adds
two more: the 7th consciousness of karmic formation, and the
8th which is the foundation of the previous seven and is
responsible for rebirth. This seems to be the basis for the
eight senses encountered in the Saint Seiya series. Awakening
the 8th sense/consciousness, known in Japan as Arayashiki,
clears the path to Enlightenment. The original Sanskrit name for
it is Alaya-vijnana, or "store consciousness." It stores all
past experiences and is thereby the source of a person's karma.
All the Gold Saints have mastered the 7th sense, but Shaka
is the first of his generation to fully realize the 8th sense. In order to fully
grasp the Buddha's teaching that death is not the end, he had to
die. His connection to Shakyamuni Buddha is especially
pronounced here, since Shaka gained total Enlightenment and
"died" beneath a pair of
Sal trees. These are revered as the trees Queen Maya held
onto in order to give birth to the Buddha, as well as the trees
he spread around the place of his
Parinirvana. Arayashiki allowed Shaka to
transcend death and enter the realm of Hades in the flesh. It
also made him immune to the crippling effects of Hades'
cursed barrier. By achieving the 8th sense Shaka lived up to his
title of "The Man Closest to God."
Asmita achieved the 8th sense back in the 18th century when he
was purifying the mokurenji beads. The 8th sense is also known
as Essence of Cosmo. |