Saints of Capricorn
Long ago, in the Mythological Era, it is
said that Athena gave the sacred sword Excalibur to her most
loyal Saint. This was the Saint of Capricorn, and all future
Capricorns would carry this spirit sword inside their body,
tempered by the strength of their own heart. Shura is the
Capricorn Saint of modern times in the original Saint Seiya, El Cid is the Capricorn Saint of the 18th century in Lost
Canvas, and Izou is the Capricorn Saint of the 18th century in
Next Dimension.
... |
Capricorn Shura
Shura had always been proud of his
title as |
Athena's most loyal Saint, so when
the |
Pope asked him to go take care
of the
traitor Sagittarius Aiolos, who tried to
kill the infant Athena, he was very happy |
to oblige. Or so says the anime.
According to |
the original manga, Shura knew all
along that |
Gemini Saga had murdered the Pope,
but decided
to follow him anyway since he thought Saga could |
do some good with that power.
Either way, the
end result was the same. Shura tracked down
and mortally wounded Aiolos. And so things
grew quiet in Sanctuary until five impudent |
Bronze Saints arrived and
tried to fight their
way through the 12 Zodiac temples. Shura's |
opponent was Draco Shiryuu, who
proved to |
be quite the handful when he flew
Shura |
past the Earth's atmosphere. This
suicidal |
move made Shura admire Shiryuu
renew his loyalty to Athena.
Capricorn El Cid
Shortly after his arrival in Hades'
Forest, El
Cid was greeted by three of the four dream gods:
Phantasos, Icelos, and Oneiros. Without batting an eye,
he unleashed his signature Excalibur attack on them, which
Icelos deflected back to sever El Cid's hand. But lack of limbs
or massive bloodloss isn't enough to stop a Gold Saint of
El Cid had an important mission, to free Sagittarius Sisyphus
the Dream World, and he would do it no matter the cost to
He tracked the gods down, forced his way through the Dream World
barrier, and immediately began to hunt them one by one. First up
Phantasos, who El Cid easily felled by the element of surprise.
was Icelos, who El Cid tricked into revealing his location
cutting him down. Then Tenma took out Morpheus, and joined
forces with El Cid against Oneiros, who had by now absorbed
the souls of his three brothers. Meanwhile Sisyphus
was freed by Athena, and shot a divinely charged |
arrow from afar, which El Cid quartered in |
mid-flight to pierce all four of Oneiros' |
souls before succumbing to death.
Capricorn Izou
Izou seems to be the most
easy-going and talkative of the Capricorn Saints,
although that's not saying much. He first appears when
he intervenes in Taurus Ox's disciplining of Aries Shion,
Libra Dohko, and Pegasus Tenma. Ox just wanted to scare
them a bit, but Izou steps in and performs Excalibur,
severing the ground on which they stood and plunging
them off the face of a cliff. All in good fun, no doubt.
Izou is Japanese, so unlike Shura and El Cid, the Cosmo
sword Excalibur he wields appears as a katana instead of
a European-style sword. Izou is also present at the
arrival of Athena in the 18th century. |
Capricorn Techniques |
Jumping Stone
Capricorn can counter an attack by hooking his legs under
the opponent and throws them overhead with the same force that
the enemy aimed at him. Here, Shura catapults Shiryu
during their first meeting. |
Excalibur I
(Sacred Sword Excalibur)
All Capricorns retain the sword Athena
gave to the legendary Capricorn Saint back in mythological
times. It shoots
out from the swing of his right arm as a very fast attack that
cuts through virtually anything. |
Instead of a single slash, Capricorn sends
multiple slashes at once, creating a whole grid of death which
makes it impossible to dodge. |
Capricorn is able to dual wield the
Excalibur attack by generating it from his left arm as well as
the right. |
Even if the legendary sword Excalibur is
somehow broken, Capricorn is able to focus his killing
intent into a sword made of pure, concentrated Cosmo. |
Group Techniques |
Athena Exclamation
The honor code of the Saints dictates that
all battles must be one on one, but Athena Exclamation can only
be performed by three Saints. It has the force of the Big Bang,
and is so overpowered that Athena herself had it banned.
However, Saints have been known to use it under extreme
circumstances. |
The Zodiac constellations have long bathed
in the light of the Sun, and the Gold armors that represent them
have absorbed an infinite amount of sunlight. To perform this
incredible blast of energy, all the Gold Saints focus their
Cosmo into the tip of Sagittarius' arrow, thereby fusing their
powers as one. |
This attack was
used to break through the Wailing Wall by bringing the full
intensity of a star into the darkest depths of Hell. Although it
is said that Athena Exclamation has the force of the Big Bang,
Supernova is undoubtedly more powerful, since it utilizes the
combined strength of twelve Gold Saints instead of three. It
instantly disintegrates everything in its vicinity, including
those who cast it, and sends waves of devastation rippling
outwards. |
Aries |
Taurus |
Gemini |
Cancer |
Leo |
Virgo |
Libra |
Scorpio |
Sagittarius |
Capricorn |
Aquarius |
Pisces |
Knights of the Zodiac
*This technique does not, as far as I know, have an
official name. I just gave it a descriptive name.
DISCLAIMER: Saint Seiya (also known as Knights of the
Zodiac), all of its spinoffs (Lost Canvas, Episode G, Next
Dimension, etc), all characters, art, and story is copyright
Masami Kuramada. No copyright infringement is intended.
Credit for Excalibur II, Double Excalibur, and Caliburn pictures
SaintSeiyaPedia, and for the Saint Cloth picture to
Website. |