...Vergil 2 (mission 13) | |
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Vergil's back, and he's scavenged a
new toy from the half-dead Beowulf you let escape. The good news is,
Beowulf gauntlets cut down on his reach. The bad news is, he can now
Devil Trigger and regenerate all the health you've managed to chip off.
ALL OF IT. If his hits weren't bad enough already, they are considerably
more powerful while he is transformed and it is a lot harder to
interrupt or stagger him. This may make you afraid to approach him, but
trust me, the consequences for avoiding him are much worse than his
bite. Unlike you, Vergil can stay in demon form for an obscenely long
time. Do not get distracted by his super-sexy "You are not worthy
as my opponent" sweet talk, do not fall to your knees whimpering
"I'm not worthy! I'm not worthy!" at his feet. As soon as he
transforms, immediately attack him. It takes three direct hits to
knock him out of Devil Trigger and any sacrifices of hit points you
might make in the process deserves the effort. Reckless, calculated -
doesn't matter! - get him OUT of demon form ASAP. Other than that, the strategy to defeat him remains the same as Vergil 1. Bait him into attacking you, stay out of his reach, and counter him while he's recovering. Towards the end of the battle, Vergil 2 will alternate between using Beowulf gauntlets and his traditional Yamato katana, so don't get thrown off by the differences in range between the two weapons. |
Three Hit Combo (Beowulf): a straightforward punch-punch-kick
attack with Beowulf that is relatively easy to back away from and
counter. Rising Sun (Beowulf): Vergil launches upwards twirling his foot in a continuous roundhouse kick, sending you into the air if you're in his range. Often followed by Starfall. Starfall (Beowulf): Vergil swoops down from the air, delivering a devastating kick that knocks you back. The kick either comes out of Rising Sun, or he suddenly teleports near you to do it. This is his longest range attack and it is easy to underestimate its reach. Develop a good sense for where he lands in order to time and place your counter attack. Three Hit Combo (Yamato): Vergil leads in with the hilt of his katana, unsheathing it at the last swing for an upper slash of the Yamato. Get out of the way. Rapid Slash (Yamato): Vergil utters either "Scum!" or "Die!" as he slides in with a devastating bladed uppercut, spraying sparks and launching you into the air. Get out of the way. Judgment Cut (Yamato): Vergil pumps his katana through the air so quickly that it barely registers as a motion. Instead, air molecules split apart and a cone of distorted atmosphere comes at you, ending in purple spheres that assault you where you stand. If you keep running in a direction perpendicular to the cone you should easily be able to avoid this attack. Vergil is also very vulnerable while casting Judgment Cut, and you can jump straight over it to initiate your attack. Summoned Daggers: In Dante Must Die mode, Vergil utters "Don't get so cocky," disappears into a purple sphere and comes out with his Summoned Daggers. He can put them around himself like a damage shield, or fling them at Dante from across the way. Vergil 1 (mission 7) Vergil 3 (mission 20) back to bosses list back to DMC page
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