CAPA - Cillian Murphy
Official Backstory)

Capa is a young genius with the emotional intelligence of a rock. He is the
Physicist who designed the stellar bomb, and prefers to spend most of his time
alone in the Payload thinking his deep thoughts. He is much more comfortable in
the world of abstract theory than he is in common sense - he could calculate the
exact torque necessary to screw in a lightbulb, but he could never fix it himself!
Though he is terrified of going outside his comfort zone (ex: solo space flight,
homicidal maniacs, falling into Sun), he is forced to face his fears towards the end
of the mission and overcomes them with an unprecedented amount of selfless bravery.
I only hope I have inside me the type of courage and self-sacrifice that he does. I look
at him and I know "this is who I want to be, this is how I want to die!"