CASSIE - Rose Byrne
Official Backstory)

Cassie is the ship's Pilot, picked to go on the Icarus II for her psychological stability.
Could've fooled me. When she's not having an emotional breakdown she's trying to
get into Capa's pants. Okay, that's not entirely fair. There's two conflicting views
of Cassie that I constantly struggle with. One is of her as a naive weakling, the
other is of her as a bastion of moral strength. Cassie is the only one who manages
to keep her ethical integrity throughout the film, even at the expense of the mission.
Simply put, she is not willing to compromise her humanity to save humanity. I can't
say I agree with this philosophy, but I can say that I respect it... depending on my
mood. She brings faith, kindness, and hope to everything she touches, reminding the
crew that it is the more irrational human qualities that make life worthwhile.