...Mission 1:
A Crazy Party
The unfortunate demons who
crash Dante's office learn the hard way that you DO NOT come between a
man and his pizza. If there is a better reason to go on a bloodthirsty
rampage, I don't know it.
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...Mission 2:
The Blood Link
Dante is still pissed about
his trashed office.
Vanguard: Jump over and slash at it from behind. Pay attention to
the bells.
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...Mission 3:
The Devils' Tower
Dante sets out to investigate
the giant demonic tower that has sprung up in his backyard, but he has
to cut through the demons haunting the streets first.
breaking the blue seal in the room past the initial street brawl, you
find this gun just to your left of the door leading to the Love Planet
You receive this for defeating the boss Cerberus.
Shoot all the ice off in order to be able to damage him, and stay as far
as you can to the sides to avoid most of his attacks.
Combat Adjudicator (Rebellion 1):
You find this many-armed statue on one of the rooftops on the left of 13
Slum Avenue if you're facing the tower. Strike it with Rebellion,
building up the combo meter up to B in order to destroy the statue,
yielding a Blue Orb Fragment.
Secret Mission 1: You
find the door to the secret mission to the right of 13 Slum Avenue if
you're facing the tower, just before the God of Time statue. Kill all
the enemies in 60 seconds to obtain a Blue Orb Fragment. Tip: ...kill
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...Mission 4:
The Uninvited One
Dante enters the demonic
tower of Temen-ni-Gru and finds out there is much busywork to do before
he can get anywhere useful.
Stay off the ground, jump on top of it, and slash at its head!
Incandescent Space (ie:
Green Door): After you break the statues and raise the lift, you
find yourself in a clockwork room. Defeat all the enemies and hop up the
pipes over the green door to reach the Blue Orb Fragment hidden near the
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...Mission 5:
Of Devils and Swords
Dante continues on his merry
way up the Temen-ni-Gru, and is faced with yet another set of guardians.
& Rudra: You receive these for defeating the bosses Agni
& Rudra.
& Rudra: Turn these blind brothers against each other as you
chip away at them from behind.
1 (SE): Avoid his bouncing balls and strike at him while he's
catching his breath.
Combat Adjudicator (Cerberus 1):
You find this many-armed statue to the right of the large door after you
cross the Endless Infernum. Strike at it with Cerberus,
building up the combo meter up to B in order to destroy the statue,
yielding a Blue Orb Fragment.
Secret Mission 2:
Inspect the skull with glowing eyes in wall of the lift room to enter
this mission. Kill all the Enigmas without getting hit to obtain a Blue
Orb Fragment. Tip: stay mobile.
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...Mission 6:
Family Ties
The Trial of Wisdom tests you
with riddles (answer: 4, 2, 3), the Trial of Skill tests you with an
obstacle course, the Trial of the Warrior tests you with monsters. Pass
any two of them in order to get through the mission.
Pass all three Trials to win this magical bow.
Combat Adjudicator (Agni &
Rudra 1):
You find this many-armed statue in the Dark Corridor
outside the Chamber of 3 Trials. Strike at it with Agni
& Rudra, building up the combo meter up to B in order to destroy
the statue, yielding a Blue Orb Fragment.
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...Mission 7:
A Chance Meeting
One of the longest and most
difficult missions in the game, it pays off with your first showdown
against Vergil and the acquisition of Devil Trigger!
1: Bait him to attack you and counter while he recovers, taking
into account his sudden bursts of speed.
Secret Mission 3:
Inspect the red glow high in the wall to the right of the first door.
Stay in the air for 20 seconds. Tip: lure the spawned Prides up to a
corner of the room and wall jump in place, trying to time your jumps to
push off their heads and utilizing Air Hike when you miss. Shoot Ebony
& Ivory to slow your fall in the last few seconds. If all else
fails, wait until you get Nevan in mission 9 and
use its Air Raid ability to fly.
Pitch Black Void:
Located on the highest overhanging ledge in the corridor that lies
through the green door at the top of the spring-laden Heavenrise
Combat Adjudicator (Rebellion 2):
You find this many-armed statue in the Lift Room. Strike at it with Rebellion,
building the combo meter up to SSS in order to destroy the statue,
yielding a Blue Orb Fragment. Tip: use Swordmaster style for a better
mix of attacks.
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...Mission 8:
A Renewed Fear
A very annoying but easy
mission that makes you carve your way through the innards of Leviathan.
Take care not to step in the acid.
of Leviathan: Destroy one of the side organs in order to force
the armored heart to reveal its green-glowing core.
Leviathan's Stomach:
There is a wrecked ship on the far end of the large starting chamber.
Jump onto it from a ledge and collect the Blue Orb Fragment on its deck.
Secret Mission 4: Smash through the boards of the ship's hull on the
ground floor and inspect the door. Knock each successive wave of enemies
off the edge before they overweigh the lift. Tip: wait until you get Kalina
Ann in mission 16, then come back and shoot the demons off with it.
Combat Adjudicator (Cerberus 2):
You find this many-armed statue in the
second corridor that branches off to the left past Leviathan's Retina
where you pick up the Ignis Fatuus. Strike at it with Cerberus,
building the combo meter up to SSS in order to destroy the statue,
yielding a Blue Orb Fragment. Tip: use Swordmaster style for a better
mix of attacks.
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...Mission 9:
Faded Memories
This is the first mission
where you encounter the notorious Arachne spiders.
You find this sniper rifle by jumping atop a few accessible pillars to
the second level of the huge Subterranean Lake if you keep going past
the path that branches to a waterfall.
You receive this electric guitar axe for defeating the boss Nevan.
Cut down her pillar of bats to make her vulnerable to damage, and listen
for verbal cues to avoid her attacks.
Subterranean Garden:
It is well hidden in a tunnel overhanging the God of Time statue in the
room with the light puzzle. Switch to Trickster style and Wall Hike up
the wall to the left of the statue, Airk Hike just as Dante flips
around, then Sky Star towards the wall at the climax of your second
Secret Mission 5:
Enter the Limestone Cavern through the waterfalls, head up the wall to
your right, and inspect the red-glowing crystals. Break all 50 objects
in the room within 1 minute. Tip: learn where all the breakable objects
are and practice to find the most efficient way to circle the room
(Devil Triggering to move faster might help).
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10: The Job
Make your way back to the
Rotating Bridge.
Combat Adjudicator (Nevan 1):
You find this many-armed statue in the Subterranean Lake, below the
place you picked up the Spiral gun. Strike at it
with Nevan, building the combo meter up to B in
order to destroy the statue, yielding a Blue Orb Fragment.
Secret Mission 6: Go
behind the statue where you pick up the Neo-Generator in the
Subterranean Lake and inspect the skull. Collect 40 Red Orbs within 30
seconds. Tip: you need Nevan's Air Raid ability to
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11: Revenge
Furious ass-pounding is just
a wagon ride away... You'd think you get the Beowulf
gauntlets here, but you don't! ^_^x
Strike at his single eye to disorient him and attack him while he's
Secret Mission 7: In
the opening room, jump up onto the ledge protruding from the wall by the
exit door where you find a Devil Star, then jump as high as you can
towards the pillar opposite it, kick off of it to reach the second ledge
overhead and inspect the glowing red gear; Air Hiking off the first
ledge also works. Reach the Blue Orb Fragment
in 30 seconds. Tip: buy all the Purple Orbs from the God of Time to max
out your devil gauge, then Devil Trigger and run for it.
Altar of Evil Pathway:
Upon exiting the first room, climb up the pipes to your left to reach
the Blue Orb Fragment in an alcove above.
Combat Adjudicator
(Agni &
Rudra 2): You find this many-armed statue in
the Temperance Wagon station. Strike at it with Agni
& Rudra,
building the combo meter up to SSS in order to destroy the statue,
yielding a Blue Orb Fragment. Tip: use Swordmaster style for a better
mix of attacks.
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12: Hunter and Hunted
Dante's health will drain
constantly from carrying the Haywire Neo-Generator, but you will be in
permanent Devil Trigger to give you the extra power and speed you need
to mow through the enemies in your path and obtain from them the
life-giving Green Orbs you need to survive.
Stay mobile to avoid his attacks, jump over his charges, and attack him
when he stops moving. You receive the Quicksilver style for
defeating Geryon.
2 (SE): Avoid his bouncing balls and strike at him while he's
catching his breath.
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13: Chaos' Warm Welcome
Vergil realizes that using
his own blood isn't enough to open the demonic portal, and seeks to add
Dante's blood to the mix,
2: Vergil has shorter reach but twice the hitting power of your
previous encounter.
Secret Mission 8:
Inspect the red glowing crystal in the Spiral Staircase. Defeat all of
the enemies, including multiple Arachne and Hell Vanguards. Tip: keep
your distance and take your time.
Secret Mission 9: In
the side corner of the room with the light-reflecting statues, jump up
to the alcove in the left wall and inspect the red-glowing demon skull.
Don't let a single enemy escape. Tip: max out the damage potential of Ebony
& Ivory, stand on the far end of the wagon and keep shooting
like there's no tomorrow, switching targets as necessary. Target the
exploding Wraths to take out multiple enemies at once.
Combat Adjudicator (Nevan 2):
You find this many-armed statue in
the corridor to the left of the big double doors leading to Vergil. Strike at it with
building the combo meter up to SSS in order to destroy the statue,
yielding a Blue Orb Fragment. Tip: use Swordmaster style for a better
mix of attacks.
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14: Drive!
Make your way back towards
the top of Temen-ni-Gru.
You finally get your hands on these gauntlets/greaves by picking them up
from the edge of a cliff in the first room.
Combat Adjudicator (Beowulf 1):
You find this many-armed statue by the exit door of the first room. Strike at it
with Beowulf, building the combo meter up to B in
order to destroy the statue, yielding a Blue Orb Fragment.
Hell's Highway: Pick
it up once you fight your way out of the maze of color-coded rooms with
chess pieces.
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15: The Gatecrasher
Arguably the most tedious
mission in the game, you have to rotate the tower in order to collect
three Orihalcon Fragments from three equally annoying sections of
Temen-ni-Gru. This is also the first time you meet the Fallen, luminous
winged beings with a hell of a range.
Underground Arena:
Rotate the tower until it exits to a plaque that reads "this path
leads back to the human world," go through the door and descend to
the bottom of the arena, where you can find the Blue Orb Fragment along
the floor.
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16: Win or Lose
Collect the Onyx Moonshard
and the Golden Sun to open the doorway.
Ann: You receive this gun for defeating the boss Lady.
Don't get careless in avoiding her range attacks, they add up.
Secret Mission 10:
Inspect the glowing yellowish plaque in the right wall of the room with
the chess pieces where you find the Golden Sun. Solve the randomly
generated reflection puzzle by connecting the beam of light between two
statues in order to obtain the Blue Orb Fragment. Tip: pick an endpoint
and trace your way backwards to the light-emitting statue. Remember that
sometimes the answer lies beyond the far right wall.
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17: Inner-demons
Revisit old areas on your way
up to the top of Temen-ni-Gru and defeat your shadow double in order to
gain access to the gate to Hell.
Learn how many strikes it takes to break light window and catch
Doppelganger in its glare in order to render him vulnerable to damage.
You receive Doppelganger style for defeating him.
3 (SE): Avoid his bouncing balls and strike at him while he's
catching his breath.
Combat Adjudicator (Beowulf 2):
You find this many-armed statue in a
corner of the God-Cube Chamber with the rotating cubes. Strike at it with
building the combo meter up to SSS in order to destroy the statue,
yielding a Blue Orb Fragment. Tip: use Swordmaster style for a better
mix of attacks.
Azure Garden: Make your way up the rotating cubes in the God-Cube
Chamber to the first door up. Defeat the Enigmas and Hell Vanguard in
the Firestorm Chamber and keep going through the following door and
along the side of the tower back to the lift room where you should find
a Blue Orb Fragment.
Secret Mission 11: Jump up the ledges overhanging the stairs in the
Pitch Black Void and inspect the glowing golden statue. Make your way
through the spikes rapidly coming at you from two directions at once in
order to reach the Blue Orb Fragment at the end of the hall. Tip: switch
to Trickster style for better mobility and Devil Trigger for an extra
boost of speed.
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18: Invading Hell
After playing an intense game
of demonic chess, Dante will face the souls of the devils he sent back
to Hell all over again. You you have to trace a closed circuit of light
between the gems on the large monolith in order to open the portal you
need. You must defeat the boss whose tombstone matches the gem's color
in order to activate a given gem.
The shortest way to do
this is to defeat Beowulf (white), Agni & Rudra (green), and
Cerberus (light blue).
  
Defeat all the bosses to get
a Blue Orb Fragment.
     
Secret Mission 12:
Run past the two Fallen (or fight them if you like... it's your
funeral), past the portal along what appears to be a giant stone foot,
and inspect the inscription. Navigate up the rotating cubes to the very
top of the room to obtain the Blue Orb Fragment. Tip: Nevan's
Air Raid can help.
Lost Souls Nirvana:
Defeat all the bosses to earn a Blue Orb Fragment.
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19: Forces Collide
Travel through a series of
portals in order to reach Arkham.
Avoid his claws, torpedoes, and groping life-drain hand, and shoot his
screeching legions with Kalina Ann.
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20: Screaming Souls
This is THE final showdown of
the game.
3: Good luck... you'll need it!
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